An Eventful Monday Morning

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                                            ((LOS ANGELES , MONDAY 04 APRIL 2012 - 05:AM))


i pushed the alarm off the table. Already time for school??? I sat up while yawning, looking at the time. 05am. really? I sighed, layed back and put the cover on my face. I didn't feel like going to school... plus: i'm the new student. That's some crap. I hate being new in schools. I woke up despite all, shuffled to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face. I went then to my dressing. what should i wearfor the 1st day? Ughh school can be damn tiring. Even more when you're a girl. I looked at all the clothes. And this outfit caught my eyes. <<ON THE SIDE>> I curled my hair , picked up my school stuff, threw a look at me in the mirror. I noticed how bad i looked like my mom.... i have her chinese green eyes, her deep dimples, her curly hair.... i just miss her so much. 3 years she's gone.... i remember this day like it was yesterday....


It was a cold sunday night in NYC, i was in my bedroom doing my homeworks for school and Nadiah , my little sister was playing with her barbies in my room. When suddenly, we heard a gun shot. She stood up rapidly and hid in my arms. She was 11 i was 14. We heard some screams and knock against the wall. "Diah, stay here ok? do NOT move. i'm coming" i told my sister. "i d-dont wanna stay al-lone. I'm scared" she said crying. I hugged her tight and she held my hand. I opened the door slowly and we went out on tiptoe. We went down the stairs and we saw our uncle, Jake with a gun on our mother's head. She was in tears and her mouth was bleeding. Kanadiah was crying so loud. Our uncle slapped her and he tied us. "i told you to give me 50% of the weed , what did you do? Your slutty selfish ass took all the fucking money. Sis, you deceived me" My uncle told my mom. I never knew she was a dealer... i was shocked... "MOM YOU SMOKE WEED ? YOU A DEALER? MOOM !!!!!!!!'" i screamed and my uncles slapped me with the gun. My mouth was bleeding.  Kanadiah was just crying. Same for my mother. "I'm so sorry babies. I lovyou so much y'all are my life. I'm sorry for lying to you..." She said in a shaky voice. My uncle started laughing. I was so ill... first because my mom smoke weed, she lied to us, and because she was crying infront of us. I've never seen her crying before... NEVER. My father wasn't at home. Certainly with his fucking hoes. My father cheats on my mom. She knows it but never said ish. "You didn't forget what i told you right? You tackle me, i kill you. Now time to pay back sis." He said putting the gun on my mom's head. She was begging him but he was like deaf. My sister and i were crying and begging him too. "I love you so much my babies. i will always l-" and BOOM BOOM! She fell on the ground, lifeless. She was dead... he killed her infront of our naked eyes... my uncle killed my mother....his own sister.... he killed her. We were crying so loud. He took his gun and shot us in the shoulder....

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