did we just loose eachother?

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  • Dédié à Mel

                                                                                        ::: Jacob's P.O.V :::

I saw my mom crying when the doctor finished talking. Our nana was in a coma................. i was ...numb. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. I felt the tears coming down my face.He said the surgery was a success but she couldn't wake up. All we had to do now is just pray that she wake up. I wasn't ready to lose her right now....My mom and Agnes went to see her in her room. I stayed outside with Beyona, who was also in tears. I loved how my family was important for her. I know she doesn't know my nana for long but she cares. 

"I'm sorry Jacob...." she said. i didn't say anything, still letting my tears falling down. She tried to hug me but i stood up.

"If you need someone, i'm always here you know it" she said.

"i dont need someone thanks." i said coldly and I joined my mom and Agnes in the room. She was laying there, her body was .... lifeless. My mom was holding her hand, crying. I went hugging my mom. We stayed a little bit and we finally got out. Beyona was walking around, wiping her tears. I knew she was crying for my nana, but for something else too..... i think i hurt her. I don't care she cheated... maybe she didn't ..... but i was too angry to listen to hear. We left the hospital and went home. When we reached the mansion, i went directly in our room. i sat down on the bed, thinking about everything. I was mostly remembering all the good times i had with Beyona. When i heard the door opening. It was Agnes.

"are you ok?" i asked her. She nodded and sobbed.

"how about you?" she said, sitting next to me.

"not that good.... i'm so scared of loosing her..."

"We won't loose her!!!!!!! she'll wake up! Jacob if i came here it's to talk about Beyona"

"what about her?"

"i know you are angry because you saw her with another man, but listen to her? she's not right Jacob...."

"Because you think i'm alright??? I'M NOT! I fucking miss her! But i can't accept it.. i just can't!"

"Please... do it for your nana Jacob...." i felt the tears coming when she said this. She hugged me for a long time. Maybe i should listen to Beyona...

                                                                                                 ::: Beyona's P.O.V :::

i was in the kitchen, doing the dishes. Auntie Teresa and Agnes were out. I was now alone in the mansion with him... i was still doing the dishes when i heard a deep voice behind me, which made me jump a little.

"need help?" i turned and it was Jacob. He was leaning on the door, shirtless... hands in pockets.

"um...n-no it's fine i'm almost done anyway" i said. he came next to me and sat on the count, watching me. ok.... it was weird... but i liked it.

"We need to talk" he said. I was scared.... I finished the dishes.

"um... ok let's talk" i said. He got down of the count and began to go upstairs. I followed him. he was already sitting on the bed. I closed the door.

"Beyona, i wanna ask you something. Answer with yes or no" he said. i nodded.

"do you still love your ex boyfriend??"

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