Chapter 3-Just a dream

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Author nim POV-

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat and looked around confused,realizing that she fell asleep whilst studying.She sits up and looks around while panting,standing up to search her house for the strange new kid.Nothing.She sits on the couch and checks her phone.1:25 am.She gets up and puts on some leggings,pulling a sweatshirt over her crop top.She grabs her keys and heads out into the rain to clear her head."He's not a vampire.They don't exist." She mumbles to herself.

Jimins POV-

He chased down an innocent girl around the same age as him into an alley and used his charm to seduce her, using this as a chance to get something he was craving,blood.His eyes turn red and she was already hypnotized.He leaned down and sank his fangs into the soft skin.

Feeling relieved,he kept drinking.If anyone caught him,they would be the next snack.
Sorry the chapters so short~ I'll have another one up soon!~

Blood sucker- Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now