Chapter 10

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I opened the door to see Harry immediately jump up from the couch. It looks as though he has been crying. "Louis, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that." He said fast walking over to me. When he reached me he brought his hand up to my face, his thumb going over the cut on my lip. "I hurt you." I moved out of his touch. "No shit you hurt me." I harshly said to him, walking past him towards the stairs. "Lou, please. Forgive me." He grabbed my wrist making me turn to face him. His eyes are pleading for me. "Harry let me go. I'm going to my room." He held tighter. "You need to listen to me. Why cant you just listen." He yelled the last part. I flinched and he must of noticed because he slowly loosened his grip on my wrist, and I immediately started to walk away. I could hear Harry following behind me. "I would like to be alone." I said without turning around. He did not reply.

I walked in and plopped down on the bean bag. Of course Harry walked in right after closing the door. I tried my best to not make eye contact with him looking up at the ceiling. I felt his eyes on me so I looked over. He was looking at me up and down. "What?" I questioned. "Who's clothes is that?" He harshly asked. "Uh Nialls? He gave me clothes after. You know. You punched me in the face making me bleed." He instantly softened, looking down at the ground. "I'm really sorry about that." I scoffed. "Then why did you do it?" He said nothing and took off his shirt and pants. I caught myself staring and quickly looked away. Hopefully he didn't notice that. He climbed into hid bed still saying nothing. "That's what I thought." I got up and climbed up into my own.

I was drifting to sleep when I heard Harry faintly say, "I'll do anything for you to forgive me." I shifted my body and ignored him.

I woke up and Harry was still in bed so I quietly climbed down and grabbed clothes to get in the shower. I put on music because I have to have my own concert to start the day. I looked in the mirror to see a bruise forming on the side of my mouth and mentally cursed Harry. I sighed and hopped into the shower.

I turned the water off and pulled the shower curtain back to be met with Harry. I screamed and closed the curtain fast. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" I yelled peeking my head out. He put a hand up. "Don't yell. I have a pounding headache." He opened the cabinet and looked at the pill bottles. "Shit we're out." I stood there awkwardly. "Uhm, could you please get out?" He turned and looked me in the eyes. "Gladly." He turned and left. I sighed, dried myself off, and got dressed hoping Harry didn't see anything through the mirror. 

I went downstairs and Harry was drinking a glass of water watching a show called "Friends". I sat down on the opposite side of the couch not saying anything. How could a guy like Harry even think to put on a show like "Friends"? He seems to be more of a "WWE" kind of guy. He then quietly chuckles to himself, breaking my thought. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever heard. What am I saying? He just assaulted me yesterday. I push all my thoughts about Harry out of my head and try to watch the show. Emphasis on try. I end up just taking quick glances at Harry.

"What are you looking at?" I turn away. "Nothing. Sorry" I say so quietly he may have not heard it. "What happened to your lip." He asked nonchalantly. I looked at him curiously. Are you serious? He don't remember? "What?" was all I could say. "Did you fall or something?" He said slowly like I was dumb. "Yeah. I tripped." I mumbled, looking back on the tv. "Well be careful don't want that pretty face to get messed up." He said then stood up leaving, making me speechless.

I don't know if this is even good, but I love the direction I'm going with the story. There are plenty of stuff that's going to end up happening. 
So keep reading maybe?

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