Chapter 11

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I laid on the couch texting Zayn.

Z: So, how has it been with Harry?

L: Weird . We barely speak to each other .

Z: You're parents are home now right?

L: Yeah . Just came home . In bed resting now .

Z: Good. Remember tell me if anything happens. You know what I'll do.

I went to reply back to Zayn, but my legs were suddenly flung off the couch. I looked up from my phone seeing Harry sit down at the edge. "You could have asked me to move." I said annoyed, rolling my eyes. "I did, you must not have heard me." He replied shrugging. He definitely did not. I sat up on the couch and hugged my knees to my chest, and watched Harry go through Netflix to find a movie. I saw him click the movie "After". I read the description and smiled because I love movies like this. "Guess I'll give this movie a chance." He said shrugging, turning it on.

Once the movie was finished Harry laughed. "That was the dumbest movie I have ever seen." I looked over at him. "No, I actually think it was quite romantic and I enjoyed watching it." Harry turned his whole body towards me, smirking. "Oh really?" I nodded my head. "Their relationship felt like it went too fast. What was up with Hardin? He was in a prissy mood then wasn't minutes after." I also put my feet up on the couch towards Harry. "He's a different person around Tessa." and under my breath I added. "Sounds like someone I know."

"What did you say biscuit?" My heart fluttered by the name he has given me. "N-Nothing." I stuttered out. Harry slowly moved across the couch towards me. With every move he made my heartbeat grew faster. I moved my body as close to the arm of the couch I could to get away from Harry, not knowing what he was going to do. I probably look ridiculous. "What did you mean by what you said?" He asked moving my knees from my chest. "T-that he's different a-around Tessa?" I asked knowing that's not what he meant. "No the other part." He lowly said moving my body so my back was on the arm of the couch and my legs are on the cushions. His body now hovering over mine, with his knee in between my legs. "Harry?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. He put his hand on my cheek, his face moving towards mine. I impulsively moved my head up towards his. He suddenly get's up and leaves without saying a word, and once again I'm left there flustered and don't know what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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