chapter 3

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The very next morning found Bella sitting in a Dodge Charger (...) in a parking lot staring up at the school in front of her. "i am so not ready for this" She said with a groan and slammed her head down on the wheel making the horn go off startling a group of teenagers near by. 

Bella took a slow calming breath before getting out of the car. She locked up her car and walked up to the doors of the school attempting to ignore the stares of all the students around her. 

*Don't pay attention Bella, Don't pay attention* she thought to her self as she pulled open the door of the school and walked in. She gave a small shiver as she stepped through the doors. "oh great" she said looking sick as she glanced around. "where the hell do i go now?" she grumbled as she walked down the hallway looking for the office. 

Her asshole of a parent had left a lot earlier than she had with a note on the door saying to meet at the school, but the second that she got there she couldn't even find the Lycan hyper-sport that Tom was driving.  

Bella continued walking around the school until she had finally saw Tom walking out of some door leading to Bella didn't care where. She walked up to him and glared. "seriously" she scowled. 

Tom looked over at her and rolled his eyes. "don't even give me that bull, I tried getting you out the door" Tom said.

"I had to sleep in dust, thanks for that by the way, i needed a shower" Bella grumbled. Tom just shoved some papers into her hands. 

"Later. I got places to be" Tom said as he started to walk away. 

"where?" Bella asked as she watched him walk away. Tom didn't answer her only gave a half hearted wave at her. She sighed and looked down at the papers. Seeing she had history first she groaned. "oh great, why couldn't that have been last...or...never" she grumbled as she walked down the hallway looking for the class.

"looking for your class?"

Bella jumped and span around to see Klaus standing there behind her.  "shit! when?!" She exclaimed in alarm. 

"Just now" Klaus said with a smirk.

"yeah, Um. i mean. yes...i have no idea where i am going" Bella explained. 

"No problem, Right this way" Klaus said as he lead her down the hallway to the history class room. "by the way, i found out from out favorite vampire doppelganger that the history teacher and the human doppelganger's aunt are dating" he explained. Bella looked up at him in surprise. 

"small world" Bella muttered. 

"so, when it all goes down, I am going to need you to do something" Klaus added. 

"what is it?" Bella asked watching him curiously. Klaus smirked as they walked into the classroom. Bella felt a little worried when she saw no one else was in there yet. Klaus sat down at the teachers desk as he held up the paper that he had taken from Bella.  He sighed Alaric's name on it and handed it over to her. 

"i'm going to need you to distract him" Klaus replied. 

"h-how will i do that?" Bella asked tilting her head a little. 

"we will discuss that when i am....back to my old self" Klaus replied.

"you mean back to where you can compel me?" Bella questioned a little defiantly. Klaus looked at her.

"you do want to get back into my good graces do you not?" Klaus asked. 

"yes but" she started to say. 

"yes i will compel you" Klaus replied cutting her off. "only to make sure that you actually do what you are told and not back out of it...or him over powering you...that would not be good at all" Klaus said with a sigh.

Bella glanced down a little saddened. *oh course he doesn't trust me, why would he?* she thought bitterly. *damn Micheal* she added. 

"Of course i will give you other chances at gaining my trust again...with out being compelled...the  vampire for instance" Klaus explained. Bella looked up at him thoughtfully. 

"by what you have asked me to do i suspect you want me to bring you his girlfriend. the aunt?" she questioned. 

"Exactly," Klaus said smiling a bit. Bella sighed a little and walked over to a desk. She slid into the seat and laid her head down on the desk feeling a headache starting to form at the base of her neck and creeping up slowly but surely. 

"of course, ill get it done" Bella said blankly when she finally sat back up and stared at the chalk board in front of her blankly. 

the two occupants of the history class room didn't have long to wait as students began filing into the classroom. she could feel all eyes were on her, but she did not move her gaze from the board nor did she give any thought to the other students. She couldn't let her self think about it, not when her homicidal fiance was inhabiting the history teachers body planning murder and possibly her own punishment. Bella almost felt sorry for the doppelganger...almost, but at least after the full moon they would no longer half to worry about breaking that spell over Klaus. he would no longer obsess with the curse that his mother bestowed upon him. 

Bella gave a sigh as she glanced around the room and saw a mixture of different people. She tensed up as a familiar scent attacked her and looked over at the door just in time to see a brunette girl walking into the class room with a short haired brunette male that Bella instantly recognized from a picture that Damon had shown her a long time ago.

*There is the doppelganger.* Bella thought as she looked back in front of her determined to not allow her self to react to the curious chatter around her. She was relieved when Klaus gave no introduction to the 'new girl' and just started up with the class. If any one asked her, she would say that he was thoroughly enjoying himself. 

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