Meeting the medic

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Today was a very hot day in the Afghanistan desert and Lt.Chloe was busy working on a Blackhawk with her second in command, Jason Fang. Then there was an announcement over the intercom.

Announcer: Lt.Chloe, please report to the command center. Lt.Chloe please report to the command center.

Chloe: Why are they calling me?

Jason:Don't know, go ahead I'll finish up here.

Chloe nodded and placed the tools back in the toolbox. She then started walking past the vehicle bay. Many of the mechanics waved to her. She waved back.

Tails:Hey Chloe, did you hear the announcement? Command wants to see you. Jason is already there.

Chloe: Yeah I'm on my way there, I'll see you guys later.

When chloe got to the center, she was greeted by her team. They looked at her with smiles on their faces. But they soon fell when a human walked in. Chloe growled at the human.

Chloe: What is a human doing here?

General Jarrod: Stand down lieutenant, this is sergeant Tanner. Our new field medic. He's also your new teammate.

Chloe:Sir, are you insane? This human will cut and run when the shooting starts.

The human looked at Chloe with a stern look that would give the terrorist group nightmares.

Jarrod: No, he has saved my life multiple times in active battlefield situations. He's even saved many of your teammates. Am I correct?

Sergeant Tanner: That is correct, I've been there every step of their recovery. Many of them were in critical condition, others left scared by their experience.

The human stepped forward and stuck out his hand. Jason walked up to him and shook it. Chloe however, ignores the gesture and walked out of the center. Jarrod sighed and walked out after Chloe.

Jarrod: Chloe I know how you feel about humans but you have to put that aside. He's the best at what he does. So give him a chance.

Chloe simply continued walking away from her comrade and walked into the barracks. Then Tanner walked up next to Jarrod and placed his hand on the General's shoulder.

William: Leave her be, she'll come around eventually. Our first mission together is tommorow.

Jarrod: I know, she has to understand, what happened ,happened a long time ago.

William nodded and walked back to the center to grab his gear, he always carried a D50/Desert Eagle on his person in case of an attack or in desperate situations. He has killed before, but none of them were fellow soldiers. He picked up his Ak-12 complete with dual mags and holographic scope plus a grenade launcher. And walked to the barracks where Chloe was sleeping.

When he got there, he was greeted by a albino lioness and snow leopard. They saluted him due to his rank.

William: At ease, you don't need to salute me.

Lioness: Sorry sir, its a habit. We were taught to salute our superiors. My name is Emily Wilde and this is my friend Jessica Snow. My rank is specialist and Jessica is private.

William: It's an honor to meet two brave women willing to die for their country. My name is William Tanner,field medic and friend. Rank Sergeant.

Emily: Thanks for saving Nick, he's doing alot better.

Jessica:And thanks for saving my sister, nobody ever thanked you for that.

William nodded and went into the barracks and placed his gear on the bottom of the bunk bed.

Chloe:Don't get to comfortable, command will move you soon.

William: You sound so sure.

Chloe jumped down from the top bunk and looked William straight in the eye. William cocked his eyebrow and scoffed.

William:If you're trying to intimidate me,it's not working. So be grateful I'm here.

He turned to walk away,but Chloe then said something that made his blood boil.

Chloe: Is that what you said to your old team?

Emily: Chloe, you're treding on very thin ice. Don't do it.

Yet Chloe continued,unaware of the anger boiling inside of William.

Chloe: You are pathetic, you hid like a coward and left your friends to die.

William then grabbed Chloe by her neck and tighten his grip,making Chloe gasp for air. She struggled to get lose.

William:You know nothing!!!

He dropped her on the ground.


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