Will There Be Ice Cream?

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A/N: Hello! This is an attempt at being funny which no one asked for but I needed to make it so here it is.

Just wanted to point out that the starting of the chapters will have a part of KongArt's history as friends and how they eventually became a couple, it would be in italics and in third person after which the real story at present starts with either Arthit's POV or Kong's.

Happy Reading! Thank you for dropping by! ❤️


“Guess what?” Arthit huffed, dumping his bag on the pile of clothes beside where Kongpob was studying quite focused on his homework but still speaking up despite his eyes and hand working on the sheets.

“You studied nothing? ” Kong assumed and Arthit rolled his eyes  before falling face first into the pile of clothes and eventually crawling his way until his head rested on Kong's lap while the other was so used to it that he hardly moved, still sitting cross legged and working on his homework.

“You can never be positive for your friend can you?” Arthit asked and Kongpob smirked.

“Well, if you study enough, you might just pass economics, who knows” Kong shrugged and Arthit glared before hitting his best friend with his own book and Kong fake groaned.

“I’m losing it, Kong…. I’m not going to pass my exams, then I won’t get into any college and then no one would want to marry me.” Arthit sighed, moving away but still leaning his head on his best friend’s shoulder.

“Well, atleast you’ll not lose one thing.”
Arthit looked up at him with glimmering eyes, expecting a cute corny line from his friend that might just make his day.

“Your virginity!” Kong laughed and immediately jumped off bed as Arthit kicked him right where he needed.

“Go to hell, Kong!” Arthit shouted while throwing the books at his friend as Kong doubled up in laughter.

“You’re going to follow me down there as well.” Kong laughed and Arthit tried to stifle his smile, of course he would.


Arthit’s P.O.V.

Okay, I could do this.

This was just another news agency like any other.

I tried to convince myself but failed this wasn’t just another news agency, this was THE news agency, I was going to be interviewed and I was so nervous.

So I called the only person I knew could manage to ground me at present.


Kong's sweet voice was calming usually but at present I was too nervous.

“I’m shitting my pants, Kong.”

“Make sure you have a spare trouser-”


“Oh come on, it’s just a small job interview-”

“Easy for you to say, try getting employed, jerk.” I hissed.

“Ah well, you see I’m busy employing at the moment.”

I rolled my eyes, of course he would rub his achievements in my face.

“Stop it.” I gritted my teeth.

“What do you want? Dude, I have a meeting to attend.” Kong said and I sighed audibly.

“I’m nervous as hell, Kong.”

“Remember the time when you mocked me and called me nerd for studying, for working on my billionaire start-up idea?”

“Well, I get that billionaire genius to ride so who’s the winner here.” I smirked when I heard him choke on his own chuckle.

“If I haven’t already told you, I bloody hate you!”

“You wish, but you know you can’t.” I smiled, looking around as only two more people were left before me, I shuffled in my seat, the nervousness was having better of me.

“Ugh…. Well, okay, think of this as your only chance… Okay, Mr Arthit Rojnapat if you don’t get this job, I'm not marrying you.”

I made the biggest poker face to that, staring at the while wall infront of me.



“You literally proposed me to marriage yesterday.” I whispered and he gasped.

“I really did? I thought I was in some trance or something because I was trying to gain courage for it for the months...” I felt him smile even though I couldn't see him.

“Oh you did.” I looked down at the platinum ring adorning my ring finger, a blush creeping it’s way over my cheeks when I remembered the previous evening.

I was so damn happy, I wasn’t really the type to be too loud about my love for this guy but I had cried and screamed in happiness, it even scared Kong for a moment before sliding the ring on my finger and then I had cried some more while kissing the hell out of him.

“You remember, Arthit…. We made a pact, I'm going to disclose my relationship in public and then we’ll have the best wedding ever!” He talked to me like a child and it was working

“Will there be ice cream?”

“If you want, we’ll have a whole separate buffet for ice cream.”


“I believe in you turtle, you’ve been too unemployed, you better get this bread!”

I frowned aimlessly, trying so hard not to laugh in the almost silent waiting room .

“Did you just-“

“I gotta go, I have a meeting, take care babe.” He said before the call ended and I sighed.

Maybe I could get through this, what’s the worst that could happen?

Worse things happen when you have relaxed yourself, I did and now I have just been accepted by this news company, but no, the worse thing began here….

Apparently, Seo News had a department in entertainment that was lately falling apart called the Exposé.

Yeah, the one department that every celebrity out there feared and the only spot empty was there so I did what any sensible man at my place would do.

I accepted that damn job.

“Are you sure, you want to accept this job?”  The employer looked at me skeptically, noticing my discomfort.

"There are others too who wouldn't hesitate to take this job.” He added.

I was desperate, it’s been so long since being employed and I didn’t want my fiancé to think that I was good for nothing! Even though I was pretty sure he never thought of me like that but who wants to take a chance...

And this was Seo News, even if the branch I would be working in wrote scandals and everything but I was getting into a huge news agency.

Maybe I could climb up to another department of this agency but for now I agreed on this.

So I signed the contract and agreed for the job.

Now how was I going to break this news to Kong when the Exposé department was almost always behind people like him?

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