*~Prologue ~*

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    1000 years ago 4 magical gods/goddess walked the earth, well known through out the land. The Goddess of Peace, Rose, was always known for her beauty, kindness, and peaceful ways. Her light pink hair and bright blue eyes were something to fall for. Most of the time she'd wear dresses not too long but not short either. Though sometimes she'd wear a crop pink and green shirt with matching skirts and tights. Beware of the angry goddess, she turns into the Goddess of Hate when angry, it's often rare for her to get mad though.

    The Goddess of Destruction, Lily, don't get me wrong her title doesn't define her personality, she's really sweet from what scholars learned. Her bestfriend, Rose, keeps her in check when she gets angry, hence the title "Destruction".  Lily is more of a tomboy despite her name. Everyone usually doubts her cause when you think of a Lily, you think of something soft and delicate, but Lily is the exact opposite. Scholars argue about Lily's sexuality and the relationship she had with her bestfriend, Rose.

    The God of Hunting, Aster, a fun loving spirit. Out of the four gods/goddess he's the more carefree one. This god likes to have fun and party, though he acts immature he's almost more mature than the other three. Aster likes to appreciate the little stuff since his childhood was rough growing up. Though his past is rough his light brown hair and blue eyes would bring all the ladies in. All the boys would be jealous because of him.

   The God of Chaos, Thorn, once had a good heart something happened to him for it to change. The once kind hearted God who cared for anyone who crossed paths with him, now he walks around in darkness, well when he was living. Scholars and rumors say that Thorn and Rose once had a connection, but it broke which led to hate between the two. Though there's not much information on him it's still strange he turned evil without-

    "Ms.Diaz!" " Yes Ivory?". "How come scholars think that Rose and Lily had a relationship? Wasn't it illegal back then?", "Plus gays are gross" A light gray haired girl with green eyes asked. Pixie, a light green haired girl with blue eyes, rolled her eyes at the ignorant girl. The teacher sighs and explains " The scholars believed this because how close they were". "Oohh that makes sense I guess" Ivory says. The teacher rolls her eyes and continue the lesson.

    "This is gonna be a looooong school year" Pixie says in her mind then groan.

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