*~Chapter 2: The Strange Encounter~*

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Previously on The Missing "Rose" ,

   I grab my stuff and rush out the classroom, and out the school doors. Already had my lunch packed and left it at base. Omg I can't wait!


   Why did I make my base so far? I forgot how much of a workout this really is. Though before I go, I should go to the library to see if they have any books on Lily and Rose. The library is close to my base anyways. Next stop library!

   I really should save up money for a motorcycle because this 10 minute walk is not it. Well at least I'm here! I open up the doors to the library, it's pretty big that's what I like about it. There's a woman at the desk with dark blue hair and a slim figure. "Um hi?" I say loud enough for her to hear. "Oh hello there!", "I'm substituting for Ms.Flutters and you are?" "I'm Pixie, I come here regularly" I responded. "Oh so you're the one Ms.Flutters mentioned in her note, she has a whole new stack of books for you" the lady says excitedly.

    This statement excited me. "What is the stack of books about?" I asked the lady excitedly. "The goddess, gods, magic, and spells" she replies. Bingo! "I'll take those books then, and I'll be on my way ma'am" I say proudly. "Of course, let me just get it out the back" she says sweetly. She walks to the back, her presence is strange now.

    It has now been five minutes later and she still hasn't came back. Fine, I guess I'll have to go in the back then. Since I come here almost daily I know where everything is. The back of the library is very spooky and dark, I really don't like going back there.

    Two minutes later, I have reached the back! Now time to search for this lady. I walk further into the back, looking around to see the lady. Strange... that lady didn't give me her name, now I definitely have a bad feeling about this. I continue to walk further into the back of the library. I stop in my tracks, as I hear something snap.

    I turned around for second and see nothing, I turned back around to my original route and see candles all around me. What the-? I hear a creepy giggle, also add evil to that. I turn to where the giggling sound was coming from. It was the lady. "What happened to you?" I asked, as she didn't look the same. "Me? Nothing I got what I came here for", "I fooled that stupid librarian now that I have you, I can kill you" she says with a creep smile.

   "Ok lady, I don't even know you and you want to kill me?" I say. " I see, you don't know what you are yet, this makes it more of a reason to kill you now" she says, her creepy smile widening  "Ok lady I really don't have time for this, where are The books so I can leave" I say very annoyed. She laughs psychotically.  Oh heck noooooooo.

     The lady jumps at me and I dodge it with a backflip. I stand up. I'm kinda glad I'm flexible now. "Listen lady, I've been trying my best not curse you out, but you're making it impossible" I say gritting my teeth. She gives me an hungrily look, her tongue got longer as she licked her lips, it mortifies me. Now, her whole body twisted around, and now I'm actually scared. What in the actual world?!

     I can't move my body, I'm actually mortified. She started moving towards me slowly. "Say 'Rose Garden''. "Wait what?" I say out loud. The lady stops and looks confused. "Say 'Rose Garden' child". Ok weird voice in my head.

    "Rose Garden?" I say a bit confused. Hundreds to thousands of what looks like roses, poisonous ones attack the lady. I was shocked at first. Did I just do that, but how?! I threw a rock at her body to see if she's still alive. She's not breathing I guess.

   I turn around and see this white orb thing. "Hello Rose". I looked at it very confused. "Excuse me?" I asked the orb? I think I might be going insane. "Hello Rose, nice to see you again" it says. I laugh and say "My name isn't Rose, it's Pixie". The orb doesn't say anything, but teleported us?!

                    "Welcome to the Garden Of Roses!" . The what?

Published: 2/22/20

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