*~Chapter 3: Orientation~*

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Previously on The Missing "Rose"

My name isn't Rose, it's Pixie". The orb doesn't say anything, but teleports us?!

"Welcome to the Garden Of Roses!" The what ?


"Ok weird orb thing, why did you teleport me to a garden full of roses?" I asked. "First off I'm not an orb, I'm an guardian, specifically yours". The orb transform into a small fairy. "You still didn't answer my question, and how is a fairy a guardian?", "Most importantly I don't need one, I can take care of myself" I tell the "guardian".

"Sure" the guardian rolls her eyes. "Answer my question, it's very rude not too" I say trying to persuade her. "Fairy's can very much be guardians as we are stronger than we look" she explains. "Ok so are you going to tell me why I'm here exactly?" "So impatient" she says. Then she smiles. "You remind me of my sister's and i, I can tell you won't be that difficult as I thought you would be".

"Wow, should I take that as an insult?". "No, my name is Elyshia, I am one of the elite guardians, I'm in the top 3" she states. Fascinating . "The reason why you're here is because you are the descendant of the goddess Rose" . Holy shi- "You're lying right?", "This is all just a dream". She pinches me. "Owie". "This is real sweetheart, now can we down to business". She walks threw the field of roses, I followed her.

"So I'm the descendant of Rose, huh?" " Yeah, I'm going to be training you, that's why we're here". I pause, "What am I training for?" I asked her. "Bad stuff is going to happen soon, and we need you to either stop it before that happens, or be prepared" she explains. That one statement scares me.

"How do you know bad stuff is going to happened?" I asked, regretting the question , scared of the answer. "I experienced it myself, the outcome is not good". Oh dang... She stops, so do i, we're outside this weird gray, torn down, depressing castle. "Um why are we here?" "This is where I'll be training you".

"Why does it looks so..... creepy and run down?" I asked my guardian. "This building is very old, it still works though" she says with an determined smirk. She turns to me "Welcome to the School of Magic!", "Where everyone becomes great". "Ok so what are we gonna do now?"

Elyshia taps her feet in a pattern. The castle opens and it looks.... amazing! We enter inside, inside is white and elegant, also they're many training rooms but we by pass them. "Where are we going? We passed the training room area" I blurted. "Patience, we're going to a special training room", "I'm starting with your magic first, instead of fighting", "Not like I'll be teaching you that anyways" she ranted. "Wait what-". "Don't interrupt me child!" She scolded.

I go silent. "You'll have a schedule to follow since you are a newcomer". "Now this technically a school, though I am your assigned guardian you'll be spending more time with other guardians". "Why?" "Don't. Interrupt. Me". "Y-yes ma'am" I stuttered out.

"Good". "Now here's your schedule you start tomorrow". She hands me a piece of glowing paper. "Don't tell anyone about this, we don't need mortals to know". "Ok". We stop in front of this large room. "We're here" she says with her determined smirk. She pushes open the doors and it's a field?

"Welcome to Orientation!" , "Well it's not your technically one but close enough". "Since time goes faster here than the mortal world, so you have plenty of time, now let's begin".

She claps her hands and the room changes. "Sit". I sit down criss cross. "Let's start by meditating to help channel magical energy". She closes her eyes and I copy her movements, I open one of my eyes, there's a light purple aura around her. It feels powerful. "Close your eyes and concentrate". I follow orders and concentrate.

I focus on the things I want to achieve. All my senses relax and I feel like I'm floating. Oh wait- I AM FALLING! I quickly panic and fall. "You fail" Elyshia says standing up from her position. "What?" "This was was a test and you failed". "How was I supp-". She cuts me off, "Silence!" I go quiet.

"I have so much work to do" she ranted to herself. She turns to me. "You are dismissed, study those books, meet back here tomorrow". "Yes ma'am" I say sarcastically. "Wait!" She calls out. "Hm?". "Before you go take this". She hands me a bag. "You'll need it". "Thank you". Then I teleport back to the library. Crap! I'm going to be late.

Whew! I'm so glad thank made back in time. I really don't want to be here.... I still need an education. I take out schedule and get a good look at it.

Pixie Holland's Schedule

1st period: Spell Making.... Ms.Shay
2nd period: Combat.... Mr. Murphy
3rd period: Spell Management.... Ms.Hunt
Lunch: Celestial Cafe
4th period: World History.... Mr. Wilson
5th period: Magical History.... Mr.Hansen
6th period: History.... Mr.Petrello

Hmm... interesting so I guess orientation starts tomorrow. There is a bag she gave me before I left. I wonder what's in there... "Ms.Holland pay attention!" yelled Mr. Heartstone.


My parents are at work... again. Time to check this bag and... homework ughhh! Whatever. In the bag is textbooks, a spellbook, an custom spellbook, celestial star-phone, a uniform?, and a survey? I wonder why I need all these items especially a uniform. I should probably go try it on.

Ok so the uniform is very tight on me, though did it have to come with a skirt, cause it's short too. Ugh did someone set me up? If there's other people are there..... oh no. Do i... have to socialize?! Omg noooooooooooooooooooooooooo I don't like people like that. Might as well do this survey.

#1 What type of animal would you be?
Answer: Cat

#2 What type of learner are you?
Answer: Hands-on & Visual

#3 Ability to fly or teleport?
Answer: Teleport

#4 Are you scared of doing magic?
Answer: Depends

Man these questions are weird...

Omg I'm late for orientation! I rush to put on my uniform and rush out the door. I quickly run to the meet up spot and teleport.

I run to the castle and see the doors closing. I jump as high as I can feeling a bit different like I'm changing and..... I MADE IT! "Excuse me you're late" a voice said behind me. I turn around and everyone is looking at me. I see Elyshia face palm. "Oh I'm sorry, I just lost track of time" I stuttered out. "Let's get started shall we?" The lady asks with a smile.

"I am Lady Titania, I'm the headmaster here", "I hope you guys will have a wonderful time here" Ms. Titania says with a smile. Different teacher puts us in groups and gives us an tour. And I get..... Elyshia.

While she's giving us tour, she gives me the side eye, which makes me scared. "Psst". Oh god not human interaction. Though I just realized something, why are people hybrids? "Psst!" "What?!" I whispered- yelled. "Hi my name is Max, what's yours?". I brush him off but he won't let go.

"Fine, my name is Pixie, now leave me alone orientation is done" I state harshly. He stops me nice to meet you!" Why is he so enthusiastic?

Published on 3/20/20 sorry it's a bit rushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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