*~Chapter 1: Unlock Me~*

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Pixie's POV

The lesson about the gods/goddesses continue on until the bell rung. I think I took some pretty good notes.


*You can learn magic either from a Magica user or spellbooks (note to self: magics are really cool to learn. might try)

* Some people are born with magics but takes time to unlock them.

* The gods/goddesses have descendants but no one knows where they are

*People unlock magics in different ways.

Not a lot of notes but I at least understood the lesson. Though I shouldn't be reading and walking at the same time but oh well. Besides I'm almost close to- *slam*

    "Ow", "That hurt". "Next time watch were you're going-". I look up to see who I bumped into. Oh you got to be kidding me. It's "Mr.popular", Jake Sanders. "Ah!", "If it isn't the little fairy, Pixie" he says arrogantly. Oh lord not again! "Can I get some pixie dust, or did you run out again?" He asks, laughing at his joke like it was funny.

    I sigh and walk past him, continuing to class. I swear I can't wait to get home and start researching magic and the goddesses Rose and Lily! I find them inspirational by their actions though we haven't really covered it yet. I continue down the hall until I see "Language Arts" room 420. Here we go! I hope no ignorant people ruin this lesson for me *cough cough Ivory cough cough*. I don't know why she's in most of my classes but she needs to go.

     I enter the classroom and take my seat. Since I don't really have that many friends, I like to write my own stories. At this school, it's like a living he'll especially with the stupid popular kids and stupid kids in general. I really should be homeschool or diagnosed to be allergic to people. Oh well...

    "Pixie!". I snap out of my thought at my named being called. "Oh yes ma'am?" I respond a bit nervous. "Please pay attention to what I'm saying" she says, signing in disappointment. I look down on embarrassment, my classmates snicker. "Anyways class today I'll give you a book called "Unlock The Key" a scholars research about others unlocking their magics". Intresting..... So I'm guessing this unit is about gods, goddesses, unlocking magic, and being "mystical".

    "So I'll each give you your own copy of it, so you can read it on your own time". Ms. Butterfly slowly passes out the mini book to us. I look at the one on my desk, it isn't really colorful but oh well. "I hope you enjoy the book guys! Now onto to today's lesson" she says enthusiastically. Oh lord she had her coffee today....

   "So today class we're learning about the god of chaos, Thorn". The class groans as their not that interested, me on the other hand is very interested. There's not much information on him, so it's surprising that we have some.

   "Thorn was a dark and mysterious person, but he wasn't always like that". Hmm..so what happened then??? "From what Rose had said from her entries, 'he once was a cherry person, but trauma happens and he changes'. Obviously. "He acted more grumpier than usual, and sometimes only Rose could make him happy". The class 'awws' and squeaks (really just the fangirls), I on the other hand just had my theories about.

    What type of relationship did Rose and Thorn have? Why was it like that? So many questions and little answers. My teacher continues, "People often said that Thorn was sadistic god". Sadistic? There were gods and goddesses like that? I only thought that it was this generation. "Ms. Butterfly, what does sadistic means?" Archie asks. "Sadistic means deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others, not the most nicest thing to hear though" she replies.

     The class goes silent on shock. Though I'm not really surprised, because what do you expect? Life isn't all happy or what fairytales say. Ms.Butterfly continues, "Thorn sometimes had problems with his mental health, nobody knows what type of disorder it was but it was major". The bell rings for the next class. "Well that's all for today class tomorrow we will have homework" Ms.Butterfly says sweetly. The class groans while packing up.

    I was already packed up because I was ready to leave. I have lunch next then free period, so I have plenty of time to learn and try new things! I grab my stuff and rush out the class, and our the school doors. Already had my lunch packed and at base. Omg I can't wait!

Published 2/15/20

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