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Ailani🥴💚:Heyyyyyyy Keanuuuuu 😃

Keanu🤧💚:I know damn well this ain't Ailani so who are you and why do you have her phone

Ailani🥴💚:Damn y'all know each other like🤔🤔it's weird cause she's been talking about you a lil👀

Keanu🤧💚:😐what you want

Ailani🥴💚:Well first of all this is her friend Nova☺️ and Austin

Keanu🤧💚:Okay but why y'all texting me?

Ailani🥴💚:Cause Ailani ate some Chinese food and let's just say it messed her stomach up

Keanu🤧💚:Damn hope she get better

Ailani🥴💚:She told us to leave her phone alone 🙂but we keeping it and now we're hiding in the closet

Keanu🤧💚:Ain't ya pregnant already?

Ailani🥴💚:Yeah Damn she tells you a lot I see🤨you should come down here for her birthday

Keanu🤧💚:You got some come down here mOneY?

Ailani🥴💚:Look this Austin I'll pay you a ticket down here, just wanna see my lil sis happy

Keanu🤧💚:Nahhh I'll think about it and get my own ticket if I decide to

Ailani🥴💚:But if you decide to here my number
*shared contact*

Keanu🤧💚:got it

Ailani🥴💚:So imma have to go back and delete those massages for you know 😗just in case you do come

Ailani🥴💚:So I'm taking they fingerprints out my phone now😒ain't no one tell them to touch my damn phone

Keanu🤧💚:😬sounds like a personal problem how you feeling now

Ailani🥴💚:Nauseous🤢 like my stomach hurting bad and I hate it's the day after my period stop😐😐

Keanu🤧💚:Poor thing

Ailani🥴💚:Shut yo dumbass up

Keanu🤧💚:I'm sorry hope your stomach feels better make sure you don't eat nun of that food no mo💀💀

Ailani🥴💚:You - I- Okay 💀

Keanu🤧💚:My lil sister won't leave me alone she saw your name pop up and now she won't stop asking whOS tHaT your nEw gIrlfrIend

Ailani🥴💚: And is💁🏾‍♀️

Keanu🤧💚:But whO about to catch a case got me fucked up

Ailani🥴💚:😂😂Nigga   I'm playing
I gotta question tho  last time you fucked some one

Keanu🤧💚:Noisy. Fucked? Been some time sucked? Month ago I ain't tryna get no hoes pregnant so I don't fuck

Ailani🥴💚:yOu smArT🤔last relationship ?

Keanu🤧💚:Been some time😬


Keanu🤧💚:because last relationship she killed our son

Ailani🥴💚:😶Damn..I'm sorry

Keanu🤧💚:It's cool

Ailani🥴💚:What's your address I'm coming to make you feel better now🙃


Ailani🥴💚:I'm sorry nigga come back😭😭

Ailani🥴💚:Mean🥴I'm sorry  😬😬


FaceTiming Keanu🤧💚

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FaceTiming Keanu🤧💚

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Keanu🤧💚:Leave me alone rn

Ailani🥴💚:I'm sorry-

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