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I sat up as I heard my phone ringing, I went and checked and saw it was Nova.

"Why she calling me this early-" I answered it anyway.

"What took you so long."

"I was sleep." I said as I rubbed my eyes

"Anyway wanna go out today?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Nahh I'm good imma stay home." I said and she scoffed.

"Girl your 18 now come onnnn." She whined.

"Get Austin to go with you." I said.

"But he's working."

"Damn that's tuff- yES Jesus is that you?" I asked as if someone called me.

"You know damn well-" I cut her off.

"Sorry gOd wanna tell me about my future gotta go." I said then hung up and put my phone a silence.

I went to the bathroom and took care of everything I needed to, I changed into a bright green tube top and matching shorts that went mid-thigh.

I just flat ironed my bundles, then applied some lip gloss and went over my lashes.

I went into the living room and saw Keanu still asleep.

"Keanu...Keanu!" I called louder the second time.

"5 more hours..." he mumbled Turing over on his stomach.

I laughed,"Keanu get up." I watched as he rose up and saw he had taken his shirt off and was just in some sweats.

I know you see that and then abs

His dick print- hell yes girl that's

Let's stop

"Can you stop starin at my dick?" He asked in a raspy voice.

Bitch that voice hurricane Ailani

"My bad." I said then looked up at his face, his dreads were pulled back into a ponytail.

"What you wake me up for?" He asked as his voice was still raspy then cleared his throat.

"I was bored and just woke up." I shrugged and he stale faced me.

"I could still be sleepin." He said

"You smell good." He said as he started to lay back down.

"Uh uh- get up." I said pulling his arm.

"Gotta give me a reason." I made a face.

"Uhh- I don't know just wake up and we could go get some to eat my honor." I said and he got up.

"I gotta go get my clothes out my car then take a shower." I nodded as he walked out the door.

I went to my room and grabbed my keys, then my phone.

Austin😒👌🏾:I hope you enjoyed your extra surprise🙃 but y'all better not have fucked.
I know Nova called you today don't worry I'm taking her shopping later on

Ailani👽🤯:Alright and thank you but I'll make sure we use protection😉ain't tryna be like y'all

I laughed as I put my phone up and heard the shower running.

I watched tv to past time, I decided to go live to occupy myself.

"Yess it is true I did turn 18 why all y'all think I'm 16." I said as I read some comments.

"You ready to go?" Keanu asked opening the door.

"You ready to go?" Keanu asked opening the door

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Ikall:Who's that👀👀👀

Kallmmaa:You gotta bOo now and ain't tell us🙀

"First of all it's a friend and even if I did have one it's none of y'all business we wouldn't be doing all that internet shit." I said as I got up.

"You live?" He asked

"Yes." I nodded my head.

"End that shit hell I'm ready to eat." I shrugged before ending the live and walking out with him.

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