God Hate Me (Proof)

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Kusuo Saiki is hated by God, at an exaggerated level, you'll see, what he most desires is to be NORMAL, but obviously, it will be the least thin he will be able to be in life, for example, his brother is a magician, two years ago they discovered it, and now he goes to a magic school, because God will never let Kusuo be normal. 

At least, he wasn't the one who has to go to the magic school.

"Kuu-chan! You got a letter! I think it's from Kusuke's school, apparently you're a magician too"

"Good grief"


I decided to make this series with small scenes like this one, because English is not my mother tongue, so I will do small moments, the next one, which I will publish tomorrow will be Saiki on the train, then the sorting hat, etc.


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