#3: The next discomforts

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We haven't met in a while, huh? sorry, I had a hard time (like everyone else) and didn't feel like writing, but now I'm motivated again!

("Kusuo thoughts")

"Others thoughts"



Warning for: minor biases and blood discrimination.


Kusuo was angry.

He doesn't remember, he doesn't know how he got stuck in the library with 4 children, one from each house, all of them stereotypes.

(Maybe ... just maybe he casually mentioned he was a Muggle-borne, the Slytherin followed him to harass him, the Gryffindor came to 'help' him, aka stalking the Slytherin, the Hufflepuff got lost, Ravenclaw was there from the beginning.)

"Stay out of this, Grindor" ("Really? Grindor?") Spat the Slytherin boy "He's not from your house"

"You Slytherins can't be nice to anyone!" 'Grindor' snapped back.

"Oh well, you must be a hero here right? I'm sure you don't even care."

"Uhhh ... Y-you guys shouldn't ... be so rude! It's from my house, so I have to defend the rookie!" the Hufflepuff tried in vain to command respect.

"Do you want to shut up? It's the library, plus it is forbidden to intimidate the first ones" the Ravenclaw begged.

Should I be scared? Well, aside from the fact that I could beat them with my pinkie, they don't really scare.

"Really, did you have to follow me? I just wanted to ask if Mudbloods could have hair and eyes that color! Will your family be that weird too? Shit, I can't let anyone know that I've never been out anywhere else than my mansion and here, I am too worthy for that!" 

("Not something to be proud of")

"I just wanted to talk to you" 

("Then talk to him")

"UUUUUUGHHHHHHH... The stupid Mudblood freak had to get in trouble the first day, it can't be that he can't even keep his dirty mouth shut" 

("Technically I did")

"They shouldn't yell at him, he's just a kid! Should I call someone? And I'll say ... they don't follow the rules! Yes! I can make up a rule or two" 

("... Why don't you just accuse them of bullying? ")

"Grow up, if your parents are Muggles or not does not define anything, ergo, if your parents are ignorant it does not mean that you are"

("Is it me or are you attacking me too?")


It was enough.

"What are you doing ?! Are you... harassing a student? On their first day?" Mc. Gonagall lectured.

"Not me-"

"W-We weren't-"

"It was just Silrerin, I swear!" 

("What with their names?")

"Enough! You can talk and make excuses in my office"

"Well done, Mrs. Mc Gonagall. Of course, I called her, I feel a bit guilty for leaving you like this but... I don't like anyone laughing at my family"

Kusuo headed to his potions class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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