#1: Discomfort 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5

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Before anything this is 50% of the film, 75% invented and 15% book


"Finally, I could go in peace, my brother gave me his supplies from last year, I bought a wand (very rare), we entered station 9 3/4 through a column. How did the Muggles not notice it ?, simple, mind control, when my brother came in, the magicians had to wait for no muggle to pay attention, if they catch him, they catch me, and I'm not stupid, I knew I had a high probability of being a 'wizard', so that Muggles do not find it strange that people disappear, blow up cars, etc."

Whatever, now Saiki was in a wagon with no one inside "Good grief ... sleep would not be a bad idea" or so he thought, he slept a minute and when he woke up it was when two children entered, one black-haired and one red-haired "If I hadn't slept, I could have avoided both" he lamented "Good grief"

"Can we sit here? Everything is full" asked the redhead, Saiki nodded.

"I'm Ron Weasley" introduced "What a weird hair"

"Good grief ... the magical world is not affected by the mind control I do in the Muggle world. Kuu Saiki" he introduced himself, he knew they would want to call him by his name, but it would be difficult.

"What a weird name! I am Harry Potter" the second one appeared "He will also recognize me?" He thought worried.

"Nice to meet you" 'Harry' smiled.

Saiki decided to ignore them. 

Then they bought all the candy.

After enjoying glorious sweets and Harry and Ron being surprised and frustrated that Saiki only got the delicious grajeas, a girl with bush hair, introduced herself in front of them asking something of a frog, sat down and admired Harry for... being Harry.

"And you?" he asked after meeting Ron, a few seconds later she opened her eyes much more "Are you a Metamorphmagus? I've read about them"

"No, I'm not meta-whatever"


Finally our 4 protagonists "Wait. What?" Arrived at their destination, where they would live this whole story "No no, it's 'Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone' is the story of HIM, not mine" keep watching 'Saiki Kuso: And the stupid school of magic, stones and stuff' next ... "NO" the sorting hat "DAMN IT"

Saiki Kusuo: And the stupid school of magic, stones and stuffWhere stories live. Discover now