;002; Remember The Future

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It took Jimin a few seconds to realize someone was sitting upon his desk, legs crossed and an eyebrow up in a questionning fashion. His face was attractive, way so attractive that Jimin almost lost his voice, that Jimin forgot for a second that it was his boss sitting there and that he needed to come up with a reason why he was sleeping in the middle of his shift.

“I didn't realize I fell asleep.. ” Jimin muttered, only to be met with silence. He seemed to forget the way Jeongguk's stares would linger a second longer, the way he would become more sweet when he spoke to him, the way he just seemed to be his favorite psychic, maybe because he was the only clairvoyant whose dreams always came true no matter what, but Jimin doubted it was the only reason.

“It doesn't matter.” Jeongguk dismissed his words with a wave of his hand. But Jimin already knew what he was about to say. “I came because I wanted to give you the file of the new ghost you have to kill.”

Jeongguk landed a couple of papers on the desk, and Jimin didn't care enough to look. That was absolutely the worst part of working for The 'Tomb of Masks' organization, the murder part. He knew all the story, ghosts attacked humans, and their goal was to protect humans by exterminating supernatural creatures.

“I want him dead by tomorrow.” Jeongguk muttered before he stood up. But Jimin knew a day wouldn't be enough, but he could always stall. He always made it as late as possible killing his victims.

“I'm afraid that's not enough at all. You know I need to stalk the ghost for a while.” Jimin said, and Jeongguk raised a brow. And as languid as it was, it still made a shiver run through Jimin's spine. Jeongguk was the human embodiment of dangerous.

Jeongguk was way too scary to be real, selective, offensive, agressive and way too obsessed, and he got nothing left, nothing at all to lose. A simple look from him could make a grown up man piss his pants. He was a ruthless man, and he used to have a whole mafia under his name.

“Don't bullshit me Jimin. Why stalk him when you can summon him, huh?” Jeongguk's voice was a notch lower, and Jimin swallowed in a nervous manner.

“I don't like summoning, always ends up so messy.” Jimin explained, and he felt he wasn't going to win if he carried out the conversation like that. He could just play on Jeongguk's emotions instead. So he portrayed his excuse with a pout, and the sharp look in Jeongguk's eyes somewhat softened.

“You always make me do this, but it's okay. I give you a week.” Jeongguk said, and Jimin knew this was as generous as Jeongguk was going to get. So he nodded, he could at least work it out like that.

That boy could remember the future, and that was why he mattered the most. So they needed people like Jimin, who could see the future and tell them who will do what at what time. So they know who to kill and who to protect.

Jimin would help them with pleasure, tell them most his dreams, except the one which he dreamt so often, of him in the rain and Jeongguk wanting to kill him. They didn't need to know that.

Jimin smiled, and Jeongguk smiled back, and it was charming as fuck. Jimin knew Jeongguk had hell of feelings for him, that he acted like he didn't care when he did so much. But Jimin knew he was too good for him, that he was never going to give Jeongguk a shot, not when he knew Jeongguk would one day end him up with his own hands.

“And after that, you need to take a break, okay baby? Let's go to my island, have some fun there and rest.” Jeongguk said and Jimin nodded. It sounded like an offer but he knew he couldn't refuse. Last time he did, Jeongguk swamped him up with duties till he couldn't breath anymore. He would revenge of him if he decided to reject him. Jimin didn't know how long it would take before Jeongguk confesses, and he didn't know what he could do to stop it.

“Yes sure.” Jimin faked a smile, for however long this carries out, one day it was going to end. One day, maybe he would be forced to marry Jeongguk and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It was only a matter of time.

“Why do you seem so tensed love, hmm?” Jeongguk asked, hand caressing Jimin's cheek in a loving manner. Jeongguk didn't seem to understand it was his offer that made Jimin uncomfortable. In his point of view, he was always good to him.

“Just work.” Jimin let the lie slip off his lips. But his eyes betrayed him. It looked like he was indecisive, like he was thinking hard to find something to say, that his mind was almost blank.

“Do you still need more time? What's really so hard about this case?” Jeongguk's eyes were curious, but it made blood boil in Jimin's veins.

“The boy you want me to kill did nothing wrong. He had just died of an accident and you already want him dead. It isn't fair.” Jimin didn't realize his own words, and he just gasped at the end, like he didn't mean to say it because no, he didn't.

Jimin disagreed with the way Jeongguk ruled his organisation, but Jeongguk didn't take something as criticism at all. Jeongguk retreated his hand off Jimin's cheek almost too suddenly, the way he pushed the desk made Jimin's skin flare with goosebumps.

“You're going to do your fucking job and shut the fuck up, got it? And keep your pretty mouth shut if you know what's best for you.” Jeongguk had his hands balled in a fist, and Jimin shivered. It wouldn't be the first time Jeongguk put his fist against the wall separating their office.

Jimin looked for the first time at the papers on the disk, where was the name of the said ghost, and he felt dread course his blook at the name in bold italic letters.

‘Kim Taehyung’


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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