A New Mommy Chapter 17

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( I should mention now that the Ron and Ginny in my sorry are based off of the movie ron and ginny not the books, so I don't want to be held at about that so warning now, hopefully you still enjoy my story! )

At Hogwarts....

Luna was humming a song as she leaves the hospital wing in search of some dinner only to run 

into Neville "Hello Neville" Said man looks up at hearing his name so he smiles and walks closer

 to Luna " Hi Luna, what are you doing?" He asks as he leafs through a book. Luna glances at the 

book then says " Oh just going to get some lunch, do you want to join me? It's been a little lonely

 with out Ivy around" She says in her dreamily like voice then says " The Nargals are coming in

 swarms right now" Nev looks away from the book and frowns at Luna's words then says " Well

 hopefully they won't stay around for to long" "You've been going to the library a lot since Ivy

 vanished, what are you trying to find?" Nev sighs then closes the book and says " I'm trying to

 find what that spell was that hit Ivy before she disappeared, it's been almost 6 months since

 she's vanished and I miss my sister. I want to know if she's ok or if she's...." He trails off not able

 to continue with that train of thought. Luna knowing what he was trying to say stops and grabs

 his hand then say " I understand how you feel Nev but she wouldn't want you to waste your life

 but I will help you since she was my sister in all but blood" She gives him a smile then leans up

 and kisses his cheek and only smiles brighter when he blushes "Come on lets go get some food"

 She pulls Nev along behind her unaware of the smile on Neville's face. "Um...Luna..would 

you....gooutwithme!" He says in a rush and with his entire face red and his heart pounding as he 

waits for her answer. Luna smiles and turns to face Neville then says " 6pm at the Three 

Broomsticks" Nev opens his eyes then smile widely and nods " I look forward to it" He continues

 to follow behind her as they make it to the great hall for lunch and sits next to Hermione who 

also has different books open besides her as she eats a sandwich while browsing the books. "

 Hey Mione, have you found anything yet?" Neville asks as he picks up a sandwich and takes a

 bite then pours himself a cup of pumpkin juice and frowns when she doesn't respond so he

 reaches over and gently taps her on the arm " Mione?" Pulls back when she jumps up and looks

 up at him then says " Oh Nev you scared me, what is it?" Nev gave her a small smile and repeats

 his words " Have you found anything yet?" He sighs when he sees her shake her head " No and I

 know I've seen that spell mentioned somewhere but I just can't remember where." "Well try not

 to stress to much it will show up but i did find this in the library and thought it might help us."

 He glances over at Ron and Ginny then sighs and asks " Has Ron and Ginny come back to their

 senses yet or are they still playing the hero's distraught friends?"  Hermione glances over and 

nods " They sure are still playing, it's like they don't care they she has been missing for six 

months" She says as she wipes her eyes then shakes her head and say "Thanks Neville I'll it to 

the other books that I have and see if I can found anything" "I can help you Mione" She gives a 

small smile and nods " Thanks you Nev I appreciate it" She stands and packs up her books then

 gives him a wave and walks out and towards the library. Neville watch's her leave then looks 

over at Ron and Ginny then sighs and looks away with a shake of his head and he soon finishes

 his food before he also heads back to the library.  

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