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Magnus ducked as a shoe sailed over his head.

"What in Christ's hell do you mean 'you'll think about it?!'" Catarina loaded the other shoe into her hand and took aim.

"Exactly that. I'll think about it."

"Magnus." Catarina threatened him with her sneaker. "Call him. NOW." Magnus crossed his arms.

"No." Catarina couldn't believe him. He was acting like a spoiled child.

"The fuck are you talking about?! Why not?!"

"If I do, then he wins."

"WHAT?!" Catarina flung her shoe at him. He managed to step out of the way in the nick of time.

"You missed." Magnus smirked. Catarina growled.

"Next time it'll be my foot up your ass, and I promise you, I won't miss."

"You'll have to catch me first." He goaded. Catarina threw up her hands.

"Magnus, this isn't a game."

"Of course it is." Magnus took a seat on the couch. "I can't just give him what he wants. You have to keep them guessing, or it's not as fun." Catarina narrowed her eyes, studying him for a second. She sighed and shook her head.

"You like him, don't you." Catarina said.

"I don't think I know what you mean."

"Oh, cut the bullshit, Mags. You only play this game when you're interested in someone. So spill it. What happened?"

Magnus rolled his eyes and told her everything that happened at the exhibition the day before. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You flirted with Alexander Lightwood?"

"He started it by being that damn gorgeous, besides, you were the one who tried to bait me by appealing to my 'weakness'. If I would've known how tempting the bait was, though, I wouldn't have put up a fuss."

"Ugh. Fair enough, but Alexander isn't some rando that you'd pick up in a bar. That man has your future in his hands."

"My future isn't the only thing I'd mind in his hands." Catarina gagged dramatically. Leave it to Magnus to make innuendos at the worst possible times.

"First of all, gross. Second of all, I'm being serious. Call him."

"Fiiiiiiiine." He said, reaching for his phone. "I guess I've kept him waiting long enough."


Magnus was the most fascinating person Alec had ever met.

His mind kept going back to when he first saw him, standing by the refreshment table, nervously swirling the liquid in his glass. He had stood out from the crowd, the only one dressed in a maroon suit and floral shirt. One look and Alec knew that this was someone that loved to make a statement, regardless of what it was.

And boy, did he make a statement.

He remembered walking up to him, the scent of his cologne filling his nose as he approached. Sandalwood. Alec loved that scent. Alec stopped in front of him and Magnus pretended not to notice, even though he clearly did. Alec stood close enough to see the subtle streaks of red highlights in Magnus's dark hair.

"Excuse me," He had said. "Are you Magnus Bane?" Magnus raised his head then, and when Alec saw those deep brown eyes, he knew there was no turning back for him.

His phone never left his sight since.

His heart lurched with every notification alert, hoping it would be from him. He knew how ridiculous this was. He got hundreds of calls and messages every day. Was he expecting to have a mini heart attack over every single one?

Another notification, another scramble to check, another hope dashed.

This was getting out of hand.

Alec tossed his phone on the couch with a defeated sigh, tapping his fingers against the leather in irritation.

"You could run a balloon stand with all the huffing and puffing you've been doing today. What's up with you?" Alec's sister stopped scrolling through her timeline to look at him.

"Nothing's up with me, Isabelle. I'm just tired."

"You only call me 'Isabelle' when you're upset." Alec's phone went off again. He almost dove for it. Isabelle watched her brother go through another cycle of checking his texts, sighing and then pouting about it. She frowned. "Ever since you came home last night, you've been freaking out everytime your phone makes a noise. Are you expecting a message from someone important?"

"Sort of." Alec said. Isabelle gave him the look. The look that saw through everything. He hated that look.

"Alright, so tell me," Isabelle got up and plopped herself down next to Alec. He braced himself.

"Who is he?"

There it was.

Alec sighed.

"There's no 'he', Izzy."

"Is he cute?" Alec glared at her. Isabelle giggled. "Oh, lighten up, Alec. I could see you blushing from over there. Come on,  what's his name?" The prospect of Alec having a crush had Isabelle over the moon. She couldn't keep the grin off her face.

"Stop smiling at me like that. You're creeping me out." Isabelle grinned wider. Alec rolled his eyes. "His name is Magnus Bane."

"Oooooo, he sounds exotic." Alec glared at her again.

"I met him last night at the exhibition. He was one of the winners of the contest. Phenomenal stuff. I told him to contact me if he wanted to make arrangements to see the rest of his work. That's all."

"So, this is a business arrangement?" She said.

"Yes. Just business. "

"Uh huh, right. Just business. Whatever you say." She didn't believe him. Of course she didn't. "I wouldn't see why it'd be a big deal if you liked someone, Alec. She leaned against his shoulder, typing away on her phone. "I think a date would do you some good. You work too much. You need to have a bit of fun."

Alec slid a hand down his face.
"This is work, Izzy. Besides, you know our parents wouldn't approve."

"Who says they'd have to know? You're a grown man. What you do on your own time is your business. I swear, they really need to accept the fact that you're gay and move on."

"We both know that's not happening anytime soon."

"They'll come around eventually."

"I hope you're right."

Alec's phone chimed again and he picked it up, scrolling through his texts. The same names, the same numbers. Disappointment settled in. Alec had pretty much given up hope of ever hearing from Magnus. His phone went off a second time, a strange number popping up on his notifications. He tapped on it out of habit, and nearly dropped his phone. Underneath was a message.

Good evening, Alexander. - MB 😉❤


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