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*Short and sweet. Some fluff before it picks up. Enjoy!


Alec couldn't get out fast enough.

He stepped down onto the sidewalk and kept on moving, creating as much distance as he could between himself and the museum. For a moment, he considered calling his driver, telling him to floor it, and take the fast lane all the way back home. But he decided against it, figuring a long walk might do him some good.

The entire morning had been complete mayhem. Every single person he encountered occupied levels of insufferablity that bordered on stratospheric, with his father holding the highest honor. Their meeting with Lydia Branwell had put the icing on the proverbial cake in regards to that. Alec couldn't have been more grateful for his ability to maintain a professional image under pressure, otherwise he wouldn't have hesitated to make a scene in front of everyone. Reputation be damned.

The only thing that kept him sane was the promise of seeing Magnus. Thoughts of him brought comfort between the trials of the day, giving Alec the spark needed to see his tasks through. And now, as he strolled through a shower of pink blossoms, amid the shadows of red oak trees, he's again reminded of the fiery, free-spirited painter who lived across the bridge.

Moving further into the park, the scenery around him came alive with life. Birds chirped and fluttered from branch to branch. Squirrels bounded between trees. Couples, young and old, walked hand in hand, conversing about their daily lives. Dogs barked and ran after sticks and toys thrown by their owners. Children played in a field, chasing the delicate petals swirling in tight circles around them.

Surrounded by a gentle breeze warmed by the sunlight that filtered between budding leaves, Alec suddenly understood why Magnus loved this place.

A smile found it's way to his lips as he took in the crisp air, his nose flooding with the scents of spring. He stopped at a patch of flowers sheltered beneath a towering Elm and knelt down, his grin widening as his fingertips brushed the velvety soft petals of a tulip.

Appreciating flowers in the middle of Central Park was never something Alec considered himself doing.

Yet, here he was. He chuckled to himself.

If only Magnus could see him now.

His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Speak of the devil , he thought to himself when he saw the name on the screen.

MB: There's been a change of plans.

Alec's heart dropped.

AL: Is everything okay?

A slight pause.

MB: Yes, everything's fine. I was just wondering if you would mind having me meet up with you instead.

AL: Of course, I don't mind. Are we still on for the bar tonight?

MB: Absolutely! I wanted to spend some time with you beforehand. Just you and me.

Alec beamed at the idea, but a small part of him couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

AL: I'm taking a walk in Central Park right now. You could meet me here, if you want.

MB: That sounds great! How about I meet you by the paddle boats?

Alec smiled.

AL: Sounds like a plan.


Paddle boats cruised lazily across the water, floating between flocks of ducks and geese feeding in the shallows. A swan shaped boat passed near the bridge where Alec stood, its occupants trying to pedal as fast as they could, laughing at their failed attempt to make the craft move any faster than a crawl.

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