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Alec's eyes danced around the crowded hall before they settled on the man speaking in front of him. He smiled at him, watching his mouth move, but never hearing the words. Alec's mind wasn't here. It lay miles away in a Brooklyn loft with the memory of tan skin and slim hands.

The thoughts weaved their way into every neuron, latching on to every pause in activity. He couldn't escape.

Nor did he want to.

Preparations for the annual exhibition were underway, and the museum bustled with activity. Alec's day had been filled to the brim with meetings. Meetings with curators, collectors, event managers, sponsors and directors. Every single one demanding his full attention, that his mind be present and focused.

Of all the days to be distracted, today wasn't the day.

He slogged his way through each encounter, all filled with fake smiles and forced pleasantries, until he managed to find a reprieve in between to refocus.

Alec found his way to an observation deck for some fresh air and a minute alone. He pulled out his phone, hoping for a text or call, but nothing came up.

Maybe I should text him. He considered, but decided against it. Anticipation had been eating at him ever since Magnus asked him out last night. Will Magnus text him again? Will he back out, tell him nevermind, that it was a mistake? All these questions raced through Alec's mind, wreaking havoc on his ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

All he could think was how ridiculous he's being. Is this how people act when they're interested in someone?

Alec shook his head and turned to go back inside.

"Alec, there you are!" A voice called. Alec stopped short and snapped his head toward the sound. His father, Robert, smiled at him and approached through the open doors. "I've been looking for you. Where have you been?"

"I finished speaking with our sponsors. Thought I'd step outside for some fresh air." His father eyed him.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm just a bit..."


"Yeah." Alec ran a hand through his hair. "We do this every year. You'd think I'd be used to it."

Robert chuckled.

"It's definitely busier this year." Robert studied his son for a moment. "Is that all it is?" Alec met his gaze.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

Alec's phone buzzed, and he looked down to see Magnus's name pop up on his screen.

MB: How's your day? Are you busy tonight?

Alec shot a glance towards his father.

"Sorry, give me a second." Alec turned away slightly and typed a response.

AL: It's been okay. Hectic, but okay. If everything goes well, I should be free after 7. Planning something?

Magnus typed back.

Of sorts. A good friend of mine invited me to a gig of his at The Hunter's Moon. I was hoping you'd be my plus one.

Alec smiled.

AL: Is this a date?

MB: Maybe. ;)

AL: I'd love to go with you.

MB: The show starts at 10.

AL: I'll be there at 9.

MB: See you later then, handsome! Wear something nice. ;p

AL: See you later.

Alec locked his phone and placed it in his jacket.

"Sorry about that." Alec turned back towards his dad, who still watched him.

"Do you have plans?" Robert inquired.

"Yeah. A friend of mine invited me out for drinks."

"Ah. I see. Never knew you to go out drinking. Do I know this friend?"

Alec narrowed his eyes.

"I drink occasionally and no, you dont know them. Why do you ask?" Alec made no attempt to hide the hard edge in his voice.

"I apologize if I sound like I'm prying. It's only that I hardly know what goes on in your life outside of your career."

"I like to keep my private life private." Ire burned under Alec's skin. He didn't have time for this. "What is it, dad? You came here looking for me. What do you want?"

Robert sighed.

"The director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art is here. She would like to meet you."

"Tell her I'll be with her shortly."

Robert nodded and turned to leave, but stopped before he stepped inside.

"Is this friend of yours a man by any chance?" He asked, turning back to face his son.

Alec's jaw clenched at the implication.

"Why does it matter?" Alec's face remained expressionless, but the look in his eyes could set a forest on fire.

"I'm just saying that if that's the case, and something else is going on, you know I -"

Alec stormed past his father.

"We're not having this conversation."

"Alec, wait, I'm not - Alec!" Robert called, but his words didn't reach him. Robert stood alone on the deck and let out a breath, watching as his son disappeared into the crowd.


*Sorry this is so short. I have a longer chapter that should be posted in the next 2 or 3 days. Between life, work, holidays and writing two different stories at the same time, updating in a timely manner has been difficult. All the votes and occasional encouraging comment keep me writing though. I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! 😊

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