Chapter 15

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The Weasley home was warm and inviting, establishing a sense of comfort and joy. As we apparated into the home I could smell something good cooking and I looked over to what I assumed was the kitchen as a short, pudgy woman with trademark Weasley red hair and freckles and an apron on.

"You must be the twins' friends we've heard so much about! I'm Molly Weasley, it's so nice to meet you,"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Weasley-ya. My name is Law."

"Oh please, call me Molly."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Molly, we really appreciate it. I'm Rose."

"I'm Penguin."

"And my name is Shachi."

"I'm Bepo." Mrs. Wesley's face contorted into shock.

"You can talk?"

Bepo looked down at the floor, downtrodden. "I'm sorry,"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were sensitive about that, you don't need to apologize, dear."

"Geez Bepo, you're so weak!" Shachi scrutinized.

"Yeah, get it together, will ya?" Penguin joined in.

"I'm sorry." Bepo's eyes glazed over with tears.

"How many times have I told you to stop bullying Bepo?" Their heads snapped towards me in fear.

"WE'RE SORRY!" they shouted in unison. I punched them both on the head, leaving them unconscious on the floor with large bumps on their heads.

I straightened up and composed myself, turning to Molly who had a shocked expression.

"You'll have to excuse them, they're idiots."

She gulped and nodded. "Well I should get back to cooking dinner, are there any allergies I should know about?"

"No allergies, but Law hates bread." I told her.

"Alright. How about you show them to their rooms, boys?"

"Follow us," They led us up some stairs until we reached a wooden door."This is where Bepo and Law will be sleeping."Fred knocked on the door and a tall red headed boy opened the door with an annoyed expression.

"I told you that I have work to do and I can not be disturbed."

"Remind you of anyone?" I nudged Law. He rolled his eyes but I could see a hint of a smile on his face.

"Oh yes, because writing reports on standardising cauldron thickness is very important work." Fred teased. Penguin and Shachi snickered.

The disapproving look I sent them made them go quiet. I turned to the young man. "I apologize, I'm sure you're doing very important work that I'm sorry we interrupted, we'll just drop off our things and be on our way."

He nodded. "Thank you, I can't imagine how someone as mature as you would be friends with dunderheads like my brothers."

"They grow on you like tumors. My name is Rose by the way, This is Law, Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi."

"Percy Weasley."

I nodded and Law and Bepo placed their things by the two extra beds that had been set up.

Then Fred and George led us up to another room that belonged to their little sister Ginny, where I would be sleeping. Then Penguin and Shachi ended up sleeping with Fred, George and Ron.

We heard some crashes from outside and everyone but Law and I decided to investigate.

While they went outside, Law and I went into the kitchen to find Mrs. Weasley cooking a delicious meal.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"Oh, don't be silly dear. You are our guest,you don't need to do any work." she fussed.

"I insist. Besides your cooking smells delicious and I'm always willing to learn new recipes to prepare for my crew."

She hesitated for a moment. "Oh alright. How about you start by peeling those potatoes?" She pointed to a bag full of potatoes and handed me a potato peeler.

I nodded and got to work, Law joining in to help.

"Congratulations by the way, dears."

I gave her a questioning look before it twisted into shock at the sight of her knowing expression.

"How could you tell?" I asked, slightly flustered.

"Oh please, I've been pregnant six times dearie, I'm pretty sure I can tell by now if someone else was with child."

I blushed lightly and rubbed my stomach. "Right. Could you keep this our little secret until dinner? We were planning on making the announcement then."

She clapped her hands together a few times. "Of course dear,"

I gave her a small smile that she returned with a large grin.

(le timeskip brought to you by Bepo being cute)

It was finally dinner time and we had been introduced to the other Weasley children who all seemed to have their own unique personalities.

Bill worked at Gringotts and dressed like a punk, Charlie worked with dragons, Ginny was a spitfire of a girl, and meeting Ron was awkward.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"Oh, we've already met. You probably don't remember me. I was the one who asked you to the Yule ball after you beat that dragon."

"Oh, yeah."

Anyway, we all ate outside on some tables that the two oldest Weasley boys had set up and were all enjoying each other's company.

"Wow Rose, I almost forgot how good your cooking is!" Fred praised.

I smiled lightly at the compliment. Everyone else voiced their praise and I thanked them all. Dinner went on joyously with everyone chattering and laughing happily, reminding me of how meals go on at home. Once everyone had cleaned their plates Law an I stood up and Law cleared his throat getting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, we have two announcements to make. Firstly, Rose-ya and I got married."

Everyone gasped and congatulated us and gave us tight hugs.

Once the excitement died down I spoke up. "The second announcement is... I'm pregnant."

All hell broke loose. Ron's face turned a dark red, Fred, George, Bill, and Charlie all started giving us suggestive looks, and everyone else hopped up to congratulate us. Overall the dinner was a success.

Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't update for a long time, I just lost motivation for a while but I'll try to do better. Have a nice day!

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