chapter 2

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Hello viewers 🤗 I hope u will like my story ,and comments on it😜😜😜😜.just  bear with me,I promise u,you will like it and is going to be sweetable more than u expect 😍😍😍.

I'm all urs Aisha m wakil,love u so much viewers🥰🥰🥰.

Malam bukar Is a gate man, working at Alhaji dibbo's house,before he was fired.

Alhaji dibbo is a rich man,he has one wife and three children,his wife hajjiya hauwa and her children's, Khalid, shurem,and ruxsana.

Khalid is the first child followed by shurem and the last born is ruxsana,her dad really loves her cuz she is his mum namesake and the only daughter.

Ruxsana is really a fancy and classic style, she likes fashion,moving around having funs with friends and buying expensive things,she really has no time for low or middle class friends 😶😶.

After all this, her mum habit is different she is very claim,gentle, and easy going she likes helping people,and she loves who ever loves her no matter how that person is...... ,she always complains about her daughter cuz she is not happy with her character, she always says Allah ya shiryeki ruxsana.

Ruxsana is 19 years old..... she plant a relationship with maimunatu and the relationship grows😜😜 lol!!!!

She likes maimunatu  because, she is good in studies and she is really hardworking girl,........
Maimunatu is cute and beautiful young lady,her skin is brown 😜 she is tall and perfect in shape😜😜 she really love her parents and her study .

Maimunatu is the daughter of Alhaji dibbo's gate man,(malam bukar) she always comes to the house, and hajiya loves her and ask maimunatu ta come over every day and help her with house choose .....

Hello sweethearts hope u enjoy this chapter, plz view,read and comment, love u all guys💞💞❤.

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