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Miracle sat in the med bay next to Vanity who was lying on the berth in recovery, it was a typical thing for her old leader to put others before herself "so, still stuck in the lab" the red femme asked "you know me, never leave unless i'm forced out" Miracle replied with a smile, Vanity returned it "can't wait to get out of here and back to work" she said "you know you need the rest, let someone take care of you for once, the others will be fine under Magnus' temporary command" Vanity sighed, knowing that she would never win with Miracle, the younger femme just knew how to get through to her without even trying hard, but she didn't mind.

"Miracle, is there a reason bolt does not speak" Optimus asked, he had just walked into her lab "vow of silence, the twins used to be tortured and experimented on by shockwave, both of them fear him, they may look fierce, but when he's present, they cower away like cyber mice, bolt went silent the day he threatened to kill her brother, that threat was it for her, I've never heard her say a word, don't even know what her voice sounds like" Miracle replied, Optimus thought on her words, finding out about that just made him hate the Decepticon scientist even more, the twins had been through so much, one of them was forced into silence in fear of losing something so dear to her "thank you Miracle" he said "no problem, if you have anymore questions ask Vanity, she knows everything about the team, her and bolt were best friends before the war" Optimus nodded and left.

"ah, our fellow twins" Sideswipe said when he came to stand at the end of the table the Thunder twins were sitting at, Sunstreaker next to him "what do you two want" Jolt asked, the sets weren't friends, they never had been, it wasn't in their nature as gladiators to be close, they were born enemies "we want a rematch" Sunny said, bolt shook her helm, not looking up from the game of chess "Bolt says no, i say no" Jolt said, making his move "whats wrong, scared you'll lose" Sides said, bolt fisted her servo "Bolt, no, they're just trying to wind you up" jolt said, putting his servo over her fisted one "did shockwave make you soft" Sides said, continuing to anger the older twins, jolt growled, not liking how he brought that up, he had to grab bolt when she went to attack him, holding her back "training room, now" jolt growled at the Terror twins who smirked and headed out, the rest of the room had fallen silent, watching the near fight, then the older twins headed for the training room.

"we do this the way we always do it" Sideswipe said, letting his swords slide down, his twin did the same, bolt letting hers slide down over the top of her servos, her visor coming down as well as her face mask, jolt pulled his staff from subspace and did the same as his twin "lets try not to make this to messy" Jolt said, then they charged.

jolt and bolt stood above the Terror twins, bolt slid her swords back up, turning and walking off "don't ever mention shockwave again" jolt growled before following her, sub spacing his staff, Sideswipe coughed from the hard kick bolt had given, winding him completely, Sunstreaker stumbled as he stood, trying to gain some proper balance from his damaged leg, the group watching was shocked by the brutal gladiator battle, but they went to help the injured twins.

"that kind of behaviour is not what i expect from you two, so you are both grounded, your are not to go flying for two weeks, you can help the other twins clean up the training room and are to help Miracle with whatever she needs, now get out of my sight" Vanity growled, all the other commanders were in the room and surprised she would yell at her troops like that, the twins nodded, leaving without another word "don't you think that was a bit harsh" Prowl said "me being harsh is the least of their problems, they may be ex gladiators but they could at least act civilized, that is not the type of behaviour i expect in them, respect is something all my troops have" Vanity said.

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