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Miracle walked into her room and collapsed onto the berth next to Rodimus, he hugged her "whats up" he asked "everything, i'm not tired yet i feel like i need to go to berth" she replied, he smiled, pulling her on top of him "the Thunder twins giving you a hard time" he asked, she sighed, resting her helm on his shoulder "no, they're fine, its really nothing" she said, he grunted, knowing she was telling the truth.

After a while Miracle sat up, straddling his waist, he opened his optics to look at her "so Coral, you courting her yet" she asked "no, she's not my type, but she's good on the berth" he said "ah, so when did you last have a real relationship, other then those two weeks you fake courted me to get rid of a clingy femme" she asked, he thought for a moment, closing his optics "not since emerald, before we were reunited" he said "you mean the bitchy one who always glared at me when i walked past her" "yip, that's the one" she chuckled, never having liked that femme, even at first glance with the fake smile she always had on.

"you always pick the worst femmes" Miracle said, Rodimus smiled "they all want me because i'm a prime, you know that" he said, she smirked, sliding her digits over his panel, he jerked up, grabbing her servo away "you sure its not just what you hide under there" she said, he just groaned, letting go of her servo "and that" he said, she chuckled, entwining her servos in his as she bent down over him "are you ever just going to settle down and have a family, or just continue to skip from femme to femme until you die from exhaustion" she asked, kissing him on the cheek "no idea, but the skipping part sounds nice" he said, locking optics with her "Rodimus, why is your panel heating up" she suddenly asked after a minute of silence "i'm on a berth with a femme, i haven't interfaced in three weeks, what do you expect" he said, looking away from her, she chuckled "why don't you go find Coral, maybe she could help you, before your panel drops" she said, moving off him "nah, I'll cool down, besides, Coral's with someone else right now" he said, she lay beside him, he grabbed her servo when she touched his heating panel again, cursing as she gave a chuckle "what, can't i tease you" she said "not while i'm heated femme" he said, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

Miracle was in a deep recharge, Rodimus woke to her servo sliding over his chassis, his panel slowly heating he'd practically lied to her earlier, and he was glad she didn't catch onto it, Coral wasn't with anyone, and he wasn't heating up because he hadn't interfaced in a few weeks, it was her making him like this, Staying near her stopped his bad dreams, but it also created something else, but he didn't want to ruin their friendship, so he wasn't going to tell her.

Miracle walked outside, Crusher and Electro behind her, they all transformed and headed off down the road.

"Getting anything" Crusher asked "nope, I'll find it, it was around here somewhere" Miracle said, moving the scanner as she searched for the rare crystals she had found with Rodimus, suddenly someone landed with a loud thud ahead of them, she stumbled back as her guards pulled out their weapons and took aim, moving in front of her, she backed up, gulping when she felt a servo land on her shoulder "its taken a lot of my soldiers to try catch you, so I thought I might just do it myself" Megatron said, he pinched a cable in her neck and she fell into darkness.

Optimus punched the wall in his office, he had waited till Crusher had left, both guards had been terribly wounded, trying to fight Megatron so they could get to Miracle, but neither of them succeeded, and it angered him to know their most helpless femme and most intelligent scientist, was now in the servos of the Decepticon's, he couldn't even imagine what they would do to her.

Rodimus curled up on Miracles berth after hearing the news, she had promised she would never leave him, but now she was gone, and it pained him, he felt like it was his fault, and as he fell into recharge from his continuous sobs, the dreams returned.

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