The fishing trip!

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Sabers POV
I was so wrong!
A fishing trip, really Sabre why a fishing trip, out of all the thing's I could've picked I chose that!
It's so quiet which first off this is the first time Galaxy's been quiet in a while but also it gives my mind time to drift down a dark hole of depression...
Rainbow Steve...
Light Steve...
Elemental Steve...
maybe Evan Ghost Steve...
No!!! I can't be depressing I gotta be positive!!! Do it for the Steve's that risked there life for you!

Galaxy Steve: Hey saber! Look you got a fish!!!

Galaxy shouting got me out of my dark thoughts

Me: whoah! Wow yeah I guess I did! It's a big one!

I say as I pull a big four pounder out of the
Galaxy Steve: HUSAH!! Were going to eating good to night!!! Good job saber!!!

That day putting dinner on the table, I actually felt as I did something good for once in my life.
Maybe this won't be to bad

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