Part 3 Sabre's past

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Rainbow Steve POV.
Me: I don't know.... I want to help Sabre but I can't help but to think We're invading Sabre's privacy...

Blue: Rain... I get it,but we must help Sabre anyway we can! I can tell he's been through a lot in his I think we should continue,what do you think?

Me: I don't like this,but I will do it for Sabre
GOSW: Sabre was in shock ... he pushed the guard away from him and bolted.

"GET BACK HERE KID"the Templar Guard said menacingly.

"WHAT!?! NO get away from me!!!"Sabre said getting a little bit of courage.

Sabre ran I fast as he could to his house but only to find it on fire!!!

Sabre ran into the building he used to call home frantically yelling mom.

Sabre looked around the whole house but couldn't find evidence of his mom anywhere!
but he soon found a secret chest under the kitchen floor planks...he found a piece of paper inside... It said...



"Within the Creed is strong."

Hey guys sorry this came out a day late I was busy :p
But hopefully this is good I didn't know what the note said in his actual series sooooo I hope you have a good day!!!
-stevesagasabre :p

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