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Sabers POV.

Me: Nope Nope Nope!!! Not today!!!
I yell as I run away from Galaxy and Void Steve.
Galaxy: can you tell me Void Steve..?
Void: ok so it all started- wait where's Sabre?!??

At this point I was hiding in a cave nearby.. I needed to think about what the two Steve's said.How could anyone like me!?? I'm just a person on a mission to help the Steve's. I don't Evan have powers! I can't have an relationship especially with Void Steve he's my enemy!!! He destroyed Rainbow Steve!!! How can I love a guy that killed my best friend?!?How could I forget what he's done?!?

I hear lightning outside but I pay no mind to it I know it's just void trying to  bring me out of hiding but I don't want to deal with that right now... I just want to sleep I set up a bed at the back of the cave and also set up a campfire in the back so Galaxy and Void won't see the light and smoke that would lead them to find me...

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