Chapter I

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  "It's an indescribable feeling when you finally meet the one you were meant to be with. It changes you. Suddenly you want to be so much more and you see the world in a softer glow. Just remember that feeling. When time ticks on and life starts to get in the way. Don't forget how you felt in that first moment when you realized they were it."

  March 14th, 2019

It was winter, almost spring, but we were in Los Angeles so the lowest it really got here was thirty-five.

"David, I have class in the morning I don't have time to be at a tennis court," I complained as we pulled up to a tennis court in David's Tesla. "I should be in bed asleep."

  "Come on Kenzie, don't be a pussy," Zane said from the back seat.

  "Please, Kenzie just one game," David said. "If I beat you, you owe me twenty bucks. But if you beat me, I'll give you a thousand dollars."

  "David, I don't even have my shoes."

  "Come on, you and I both know you don't need them. Please."

  "Fine," I said, rolling my eyes. "But I get first serve."

  Everyone got out of the car and I met David by the trunk of his car. He handed me a racket and a few balls while he grabbed his own racket. I spun the new racket around in my hand a few times to try and get a feel of it.

  I dropped the balls in the ball cart and grabbed one I thought would work out best for me. As I was walking back to where I would normally serve, I saw a guy walk up to the rest of the group. He was tall, had tan skin, black hair that was parted down the middle that wasn't horrible it just looked like he did it himself. He was wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans that were ripped at the knees. When he smiled he had dimples and perfectly straight, white teeth. He reminded me of a better looking version of Todd.

"Are you gonna serve or are you gonna keep staring at Jeff," David yelled across the court, definitely loud enough for everyone to hear. I turned around facing David and glared at him but gave him a sarcastic smile.

David started off deeper on the court knowing I usually serve deep but I wanted to be a problem for him so I decided to serve short so he would have to run farther than usual.

"You bitch I knew you would do that," David laughed after he returned the serve.

  "You should've trusted your gut then and moved up," I responded taking another swing.

  "But then you would've gone deep."

  "Then you should've stayed in the middle."

  The game was back and forth for about two hours. Then I finally won.

"I believe you owe me a thousand dollars," I said smiling. David rolled his eyes and handed me the thousand dollars.

"Hold on before we leave I want you to meet someone," David said.

  "Dave, seriously, I have to get going," I whined as David pulled me over to where everyone was standing, including the guy supposedly named Jeff.

"Jeff this is Kenzie. Kenzie this is Jeff."

"Hi," I said shaking his hand. He gave me a flashing smile. His hand was rough against my smooth palm and I could tell they were calloused, most likely from lifting weights. I realized we were shaking hands a little too long so I took my hand away from his and put it into my sweatshirt pocket.

"Jeff I will pay you a hundred dollars if you let Kenzie hit you in the back with a tennis ball," David said. I must've blanked out or something because I have no idea how we got to this conversation.

"There's no way she'd be able to hit me square in the back," Jeff said.

I looked at him confused before saying, "Excuse me? David give me my racket, you don't even need to pay this bitch for me to hit him."

David laughed and handed me my racket.

"Jeff go stand at the other end of the court," he said, pointing out where he wants Jeff to stand. Jeff took off his hoodie so he wouldn't have cushioning causing me to blush slightly.

"I promise it won't hurt that bad," I shouted to Jeff.

I bounced the ball a couple times and took a deep breath before taking my swing. The ball went straight for his back and hit him dead in the center. I'm pretty sure China heard the sound of the ball making contact with Jeff's back.

Jeff cringed in pain while everyone else laughed.

"You bitch," he said laughing when I walked over to him.

"That's what you get for saying I have bad aim," I responded crouching down next to him because he was still on the ground. I extended my hand and helped him up.

David gave him the hundred bucks and I walked back to the Tesla. I threw my racket into the back and waited for David so he could take me home and I could sleep, because at this point that's all I wanted.

  When I got home I showered and got ready for bed. I decided to look Jeff up on YouTube. I watched a few of his videos and they genuinely made me laugh. I ended up falling asleep with one of his videos on and it wasn't probably the dumbest choice ever because I couldn't get him out of my head for the rest of the night.

I'm Just Here for the Dog | Jeff WittekWhere stories live. Discover now