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Stella's pov"

It was morning and it was just me and Setsuna as Haruka and Michiru has to go to school but I couldn't go since my dad is on a lookout for me and also I'm still sick, so Setsuna was typing on her computer as I been practicing my walk for the pageant as she gets a call.

Phone call
Friend: Setsuna where are you where doing experiments on what happens if so some has heart problems and he's gonna fail you if you don't go

Setsuna looks at me as I smile back but frowning on the inside I'm not gonna her future.

"Setsuna go I'll be fine I promise. I don't want you to fail because of me I'll call you if anything happens" I whispers as she smiles.

Setsuna: I'll be there in 10 minutes I was just looking after someone ok bye

She hangs up and looks at me and gives me a hug "lock all your doors and make sure nobody comes in. if you hear someone feel free to call me or Michiru ok" I nodded laughing.

"Ok Setsuna now go become a great nurse so you can help me one day in the future" I say we both laugh as she left the house now just me hmm what to do. I decided to watch a movie on Netflix so I was scrolling down and put random one on.

It has been two hours and I heard a knock can't be Setsuna she's at uni and Michiru and Haruka are at school so who could be at the door I wonder.

"Stella it's your father OPEN UP OR ELSE IM COMING IN" oh no I cried as I ran to stairs calling Michiru as I knew she's in class so after 2 minutes she answers the watch looking worried.

"Hey Stella sorry I'm in class are you ok what's wrong did something happen where's Setsuna gone" she says as I see she's outside.

Me: Hi Satsuna is at uni and My dad is here at the house he's breaking in I need you and Haruka now please it's an emergency I'm scared

I said crying as I see Haruka walking in on the watch.

Haruka: stay there we're coming now just run to your room and don't go anywhere

I nodded running in as my dad bangs down the door "STELLA YOU GET HERE" I scared as the watch hanged up so I ran into my room wrote a letter for them as I placed it in each of they're pillows and ran into my room and wrote another one and hid it on my pillow as he grabs me.

"Your coming home with me you stupid little girl" he says dragging me to his car as I was crying as he drives off oh Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna I hope you can find me I need you my Sailor Guardians.

Haruka's Pov:

I was in class with Michiru being so bored I hear the watch going off so I looked at mine nothing and then looked at Michiru seeing Stella's picture as Michiru looks at me then raises hands to the teacher.

"May I use the bathroom" she says knowing what she was gonna do as the teacher nodded as she looks at me before walking off, I waited 5 minutes and Michiru still hasn't came back and I was starting to worry.

"May I be excused" the teacher sigh as he nods "sure go on then Haruka"

then I got up and as I started walking outside towards the oval and I see Michiru standing against the wall looking at her watch, so I walked towards her as I hear Stella crying in the communicator.

"He's breaking in I need you And Haruka now please it's an emergency I'm scared" I hear her crying

"Stay there were coming now just run to your room and don't go anywhere"

I say as she nodded so we went back to class luckily the bell rang as we grabbed our bags running out towards home holding our transforming stick in case we needed it but we see a car driving off towards home.

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