Whats wrong with me

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Stella's pov:

I woke up in my room as I looked and see Haruka sitting there "hey Stells how are you feeling"

Haruka says as I rubbed my head "tired and sore it feels like the energy was drained out of me what's wrong with me, why am I like this"

"Listen maybe we should ask setsuna since she's studying to be a nurse and then we should visit the hospital since this isn't normal to vomit all day and feel drained must be a reason"

Haruka says as I nodded leaning back "hmm it's strange because yesterday that strange man was sitting next to me and all the sudden my drink was a different colour what if he done something"

I said as she sighs "I did find it strange I was about to say something but you already drank it hmm I think we should go to a hospital"

I began standing up as she helps me as setsuna walks inside as she looks at us walking down the stairs as she walks over to us.

"Princess what happened"

"We think a strange man might've done something to her drink and she drank it and now she's feeling even worser so we're gonna go to a hospital and find out what's wrong with her"

Haruka says as setsuna nodded "do you want me to come or will you be ok"

I looked at Haruka "I'll be ok if something happens I'll call you"

Haruka says as we walked out and hopped in as we drive down to the hospital.

We both walked in as I was holding on to Haruka's arm for support as I started to get dizzy.

"H..Haruka I'm feeling dizzy"

I said starting to fall as she holds onto me "Stella we're almost there stay awake..... "hello we need help this is an emergency"

I begin to shout as the nurse runs out to me with a stretcher "what's wrong with her do you know what happened" they say as they hold on to me.

"We think someone's put something in her drink because she's feeling dizzy and she won't stop vomiting, she's been passing out lots and she's been having really bad cramps please help her"

Haruka says as the nurse nods "ok we will take her in ok ready 3,...2....1 lift her"

They say lifting me into the stretcher as they bring me into the bed before placing me in.

"ok we need to take bit of her blood to check her levels and make sure everything is in order"

They say as the grab a needle and taking some of my blood out before walking off as Haruka's watch started alerting her.

"Pluto what's wrong"

Haruka says as I check to see if anyone can hear us "we need you here I've sent Neptune to the hospital to watch Stella ok"

Pluto says as Haruka nods as we see Michiru walking in "Haruka there's a monster out there and your the only one to destroy it I'll watch Stella for you but Sailor Pluto is distracting the monster while she waits for you but  please ...... HURRY"

Michiru says as Haruka nods running out as i look at Michiru still coughing as she begins to sigh looking at me "hey Michiru"

"Hey Stella how are you feeling setsuna told me everything I wonder who did it"

She says walking over to me as I shrugged starting to cry as Michiru sighs sitting next to me as I felt more pale and felt like vomiting.

"Michiru I need a bucket now"

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