What Would They Do? (part 2)

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Okay so this is basically a part two of what I wrote before except this is only for one situation. Periods. If that makes you uncomfortable than just don't read this. Don't worry I understand. Also this is to my very first follower. If you are reading this thank u UwU. The only difference with this one is that I am gonna put just a few more characters. Just for anyone who's new this is what your boyfriend will do in certain situations and what they have done. I'll just start writing now.

What Would They Do When You're on your period?


- Shows a great amount of concern whenever you start your period

- Messes up a lot because you are his first girlfriend and he never had to deal with periods before

- He will most likely mistaken your period with pregnancy

- When he knows that your cycle started he goes out and buys way too many pads for you

- Tries to keep you happy because you are not very nice when you get moody

- Genos absolutely hates it when you start crying so he always comforts you

- Doesn't really like spoiling you with lots of junk food because he knows it's not very healthy but he will make you hot chocolate when you get cramps

- He's way too innocent for you to stay mad at

- Always reminds you to change every few hours

- He might agree to sex but it will take some convincing because you are on your period


- Doesn't really know how to act during your period

- Only buys you pads if they are on sale at the supermarket

- He gets you fast food when you have cravings

- You get really annoyed when Saitama looks like he doesn't care (which is basically all the fucking time)

- When you get really bored you two watch something on tv together (doing this does make him blush a lot)

- He at least know the basics of periods unlike *cough* Sonic *cough*

- Reminds you to change only when he remembers (which is close to never)

- Won't agree to sex because he doesn't want to see all that blood (don't be nasty)


- To be honest he doesn't really care at first

- Literally has no fucking clue what to do because he never dealt with periods before (duh, he's a freaking ninja)

- He doesn't think that it's that big of a deal but you have to explain things to him

- Once Sonic realizes how much he's been screwing up he makes it up to you

- Cuddles you when you start crying

- Dear god, you know it's actually impressive how much that man can piss you off (even when you aren't on your period)

- Cooks you somewhat healthy meals when you get cravings but will spoil you with candy and snacks if you really want it (or if you annoy him enough)

- He still acts stupid because he doesn't completely understand everything

- You feel neglected when he's doing his "jobs" *cough* assassinations *cough* but he does make up for it the second he comes home

- He's way too embarrassed to buy pads in public

- There's a good chance he'll agree to period sex 'cause he's pretty kinky (and lets face it he's a dirty boi :3)

Metal Bat:

- Hasn't the faintest clue on what to do

- Acts like he knows exactly what to do but ends up fucking things up (you two took a walk at night and  the man asked if you guys could go skinny dipping even though he knew you were on your period)

- He had to search up periods on google to find out what they really were (took him long enough)

- Refuses to be seen buying you pads

- You two binge watch your favorite tv shows while eating junk food whenever you are sad

- If Bat ever sees you crying because of mood swings he takes you and Zenko out for ice cream (what a sweetie pie uwu)

- He always want to keep you happy especially during your period

- He tried to bake you cookies once but almost burnt his house down in the process

- Because he is a failed baker he got Zenko to bake you cookies when you got cramps

- Although it is small there still is a chance that he'll have sex with you on your period

- Even if he doesn't agree to sex he will definitely make you feel loved by spanking you unexpectedly, kissing you frequently, and giving you hickies

- Yes, he can be annoying but sometimes he acts so sweet that you cant stay mad at him

- He has no fucking clue how to react when he sees that you have a period stain


- He gets very nervous when you start your cycle

- Has no clue whatsoever on what he should do

- You do have to teach him everything but you're not mad, actually it's kinda cute seeing him get all flustered over everything

- He tries his best to help you by doing things like making you breakfast, taking you to arcades, and spends more time with you

- You try to be productive during your period but you always end up playing video games and watching anime with King

- When you are on your period and you play video games with King he always lets you win (because if he doesn't then he should prepare himself for World War Three)

- He lets you pick the movie you two are going to watch

- Tries his very best not to make you mad


- He knows how periods work unlike literally everyone else on this list but that doesn't mean he's the greatest at dealing with it

- Acts like he doesn't really care (he does tho uwu)

- Takes you out for breakfast most mornings on your period

- You two would take night walks if you get a bit moody

- He locks away all alcohol from you whenever you are on your period because one time when he went to your house he saw you shitface drunk on your couch laughing hysterically at a documentary about dolphins

- Loves cuddling you and keeping you warm during your period (please don't tease him about it)

- He will agree to sex but it'll only be a quickie

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