Chapter 1

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It was night time around Hotel OJ. Nothing but cold and quietness filling outside. As Apple and Marshmallow headed towards the Purgatory Mansion, they found something a bit dark....

Marshmallow's POV

"So Bow is actually a ghost?" Apple said to me. After I apologized to her about the entire "Apple using my votes to get farther in the game" thing, I decided to show her the Mansion where Bow lives at. As we ran quickly, I could feel the cold wind on me. Man, it was really cold this night. "Marshmallow! How much farther do we have to run? Also what does farther mean again?" I ignored her 2nd question and instead answered her 1st one. "Just a bit farther, Apple!" I said as I tripped. "OH MY GOSH! MARHSMALLOW ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" yelled Apple, checking to see if I was hurt. "I am fine Apple don't worry!" I said calming her down. "Oh we are right here!"

I said noticing the mansion in front of us. I knocked on the door but it was already open. We both walked in, me noticing Apple wrapping her arms around mine. "Are you okay Marshmallow? Do you need me to protect you?" she asked, hugging my arm tighter. "Bow I am here!" I yelled loudly, my voice echoing in the hallway. I then noticed Bow appearing from a wall. "Oh my gosh! Marshmallow I missed you!" she said hugging me tightly. "I missed you two Bow!" I said. At least Apple stopped holding onto my arm now.

Apple's POV

I can't believe Bow can just hog MY Marshmallow away from me! I am her friend! I rolled my eyes, then glared at Bow. I hate her! "So Marshmallow! I can't believe Bow is actually a ghost! Hey! I just got a great idea! What if we-" "Marshmallow! I have to tell you about something! You know, the thing I called you for! Earlier, today I found something in the backyard of the mansion!" Bow cutted me off. "I think it might be a person!" she continued. "Really? Show me!" Marshmallow said following Bow. What?! I can't believe Bow actually cutted me off. Wait...what does cutted me off mean?

Narrative POV

As Marshmallow followed Bow to the back of the Mansion, Apple came after them. Once they reached the backyard, they looked out the window. They saw a figure sitting in front of a tree a bit deep in the woods. They weren't moving at all. "We got to help them!" Marshmallow said opening the backyard door and running to the person. "Marshy wait for me!" Apple said running behind her. Marshmallow sat by the object. They noticed how dirty and weak they looked. "I don't think they are asleep." Marshmallow said quietly. Then the object opened their eyes. "Hello?" they sat up straight. "Are you ok?" Marshmallow said to the object. "No..." they said. "How did you get here?" Marshmallow said holding their hand. "Will you believe if I said this?" they said weakly. Marshmallow nodded her head in agreement. "I fell off a plane." they said. "I have been trying to find one of my friends, but I can't seem to find where they host their reality show. I pasted out in exhaustion here trying to find a place to stay." they said softly. "Wait, hold up! Did you say reality show?" Marshmallow questioned. "Yes. I am actually a meeple product and my friend's name is Mephone4."

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