Chapter 06 - Gold Autumn

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1st December
Betty 15 y/o, Jughead 16 y/o
Jughead's POV:


Betty, Archie and I have been friends since... well since I can remember but we met at children garden, at least official. Betty was new and Archie and I thought it was our task to protect her (especially I after what happened a few night before at the trailer) - which went actually good.

The only bad thing? Me and Archie had both feelings for her, friendly of course (at least then). But mine were growing more and more... unfortunately, she she was moving away from me more and more over the past the last two and a half years.  She hung out more with Archie. Me in this story? I got forgotten for the two in this time. But that should change soon, many things should change soon.

Autumn holidays were boring. The only good thing that happened was that Betty and Archie had a fight. I know that this isn't good BUT for me it's good because now I can finally take my chance and tell her that I like her, like-like. Yeah, you caught me... I'm selfish here.

School ended for the day and me and Betty would wanted to meet at the Blue&Gold. Our newspaper at the Riverdale High school. We run it together and it's actually the only time I get to be together with her, alone. After hours she would go to her lovely friend Archie Andrews... I mean don't get me wrong. Me and Archie are still friends (I actually live at his)... it's just that Betty is between us and that's the worst.

Let me explain: Betty called me. It was a few hours ago after what happened.


Three days before
28th November
After school


While Betty would go and look for Archie and how he plays football, I would usually still sit in the Blue&Gold room and would edit some things. But today I thought that I could join them. I shouldn't have done that...

I thought about going to join Betty and watch our friend. I mean, it would have been easier for Archie then to pick me up, since we're almost always going to his after school. On days where he had practice, he would always pick me up and drive us home. I didn't have the money to get a driver licence or a car for that matter, so I was stuck on the bus and Archie. But I don't think that it bothered him. If he was busy, for example with a new girl, then he didn't even bother about picking me up and I would just wait around until knowing that well, he wouldn't pick me up and then I just walked home (to Archie's) alone. It did happen a lot but it was only about a 10 minute walk, so that was good.

I sat down beside Betty but a row above her on the stages, were usually the audience sat at games. Now it was only me and her who were watching. I just don't understand the hype on football. You're watching others run around the field and that's it or you want to come and see some sexy cheerleaders but my eyes always belonged to Betty.

Betty seemed to notice me then, "Juggy!" she squealed, turning around to face me "I didn't notice you there!" I flinched at her raising voice and held one hand on my heart "God Betts, some day I will have a heart attack because of you" she chuckled which caused me to chuckle. What is she doing to me?

And yes, this damn not me being able to say the letter 'r' finally disappeared - after Mr. A had send me to some stupid talk therapy for a while.

As time went by, me and Betty talked a bit more but then, when it was break, Archie suddenly left the field and winked over to Betty. She smiled, the smile she should give me, and got up. I promise, I could have given Archie a punch everytime I see him smiling at her. Why the hell does she do it?!

Betty went over to our beloved redhead and they talked the whole break. There were talking for like 20 minutes! How can she- I mean. I had to calm myself and I did that. I grabbed my stuff but maybe took a photo of them talking. It wasn't the first photo I took sneakily. I am not a stalker, okay? I would just always take a photo of her here and there. She was just so beautiful and I kind of had to remember her...

I quickly put my camera back in my camera pocket and then walked down the stairs. Archie seemed to notice me leaving but Betty was just focused on him, gross.


Present time


My phone rang after I got home. When I looked at it the ID was clear, Betty.

"Betts, uhm hey what... uhm what do you want?" I asked "hey Juggy" a smile appeared in my face. Yeah, you could say that I should be used to the name by now but only Betty calls me like that, so it's special..

"are you listening?" I huffed a "huh?" as I got dragged out of my thoughts "guess who got a date?" she cheered and alone her voice made me smile and so I said happy "I don't know, tell me!" gosh, now I just sound like Kevin. But just as I said, I only smiled because of her voice the next word let my smile fade and my last string of good mood disappear.

"with Archie. He asked me out" He asked you- what?! He knew that I had feelings for her and that I had or still have a crush on her. And he said that he wanted a date with her?? Did he never hear of the bro code?! Well me and Archie don't talk about our feelings for anyone but this?! I trusted him with telling him this and he just-

"are you okay, Jug?" she asked worried and I caught myself again, clearing my throat "yeah yeah, I'm... I'm happy for you two, uhm..." I said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as I could.

My eyes widened as I realized that this was the thing Archie and Betty were probably talking about at the football practice. And she even chuckled? How can Archie just get her so easily? 

"You sure?" she asked and I hummed "uhm yeah yeah, I'm totally fine... hope it will go good" I sighed "and you're sure that you're okay with that? Cause you know, Archie is your best friend and-" and I like you. But I couldn't tell her "no no, go and have fun! You finally need a boyfriend" a boyfriend that's me. I said and I heard Betty chuckling, flustered "what? It's true and now excuse me, I uh I have to go"

"bye" she said before hanging up. What the hell was that? Why am I so happy that she got a date with Archie? I mean that should be me who takes her to a date not him. I threw my phone against the wall in frustration and of course it broke. Stupid new phones. I sighed and got up to get it back. I grabbed it from the floor and fidgeted it in my pockets.

I heard the engine of a car, it can only be his car. And I was right. Then, as I looked out of the window I saw some red hair, Archie was here and he is so gonna get a punch from me. Right in the face.

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