Chapter 19 - Dance With Me One More Time

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25th January 2021
Archie's room
Jughead's POV:


Somehow Archie convinced me to nevertheless go, so that's where we are right now. Day of prom. Archie's room. Me trying to tie this damn tie and completely failing.

"come on, let me help you, Jughead" Archie begged. He must have been watching me for the past five minutes "Jughead, please" I sighed and turned around so he can help. Archie smiled and did my tie.

"so, done" Archie said, petting me on the back. I turned around to look at myself in the mirror before nodding and then starting to go "don't you want to leave your beanie here, Jug?"

"nope, that's my signature and who says that I even dance with Betty? Maybe she said yes to Reggie? Why should I go with her then?" Veronica came with us since she and Archie were going and I was supposed to just tack along, I guess.

I sighed relieved before making my way downstairs "ooh, did suddenly the temperature raise or are you two just hot?" she asked, fanning herself. I rolled my eyes, just walking past her. Archie chuckled before resting his hands on Veronica's waist, while she wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly leaning in and then kissing him. I made gag sounds, playful of course, before saying, "so, can we go now, lovebirds?"

"Jughead!" immediately both yelled "it's only the truth" I said, walking over to the door but when I turned around again, they were kissing - again "oh come on guys!"


We were at the school for already one and a half hour. Betty was sitting in a group of chairs with Kevin and his boyfriend and Archie, Veronica and I sat in another group of chairs across from the room. She was slumped in her seat and definitely bored. Kevin went to dance two or three times with his boyfriend but apart from that, he stayed with her.

It got later, more non alcohol bowl got in my body and I loosened up. I wasn't drunk, maybe a bit tipsy but that's all, at least I'm better than Archie, who was definitely wasted for the day.

"and found someone to dance yet?" Veronica asked and I shook my head "nope but as I can see, it's going good for you and Archie. I'm happy for you two" Archie gave thumbs up and Veronica looked over to Betty "why don't you ask her?"

"I can't- she sure has a date. I can't just walk up to her and ask for a dance" she rolled her eyes "true"


Betty's POV:


I went to prom with Kev and Joaquin, since Jughead didn't ask me but I also declined anyone else who asked, since I was waiting for him to ask me. So, now there I was, sitting in a chair with Kev (who seemed bored but also wouldn't leave me alone - even though he had Joaquin with him)

But then someone cleared their throat behind me and I turned around, seeing Jughead, who extended his hand to me.

"can I steel you for a few minutes?" he asked and I nodded, putting my hands in his. He pulled me up from my seat and then dragged me to the dance floor. Seconds later, a slow song started playing. Jughead smiled slightly, blushing, before extending his other arm to my waist and then pulling me closer. I blushed as well, resting my arms smoothly around his neck. We started to sway slowly to the music, our gazes locked onto eachother.

He bit his lip before sighing and saying, "I'm sorry... that I didn't ask you out... I was planning on doing so and also had something prepared but then I saw that Reggie was asking you and I just assumed that you said yes... I know that it was stupid but I just couldn't any different, I'm sorry... I know that I'm not a good boyf-"

"no, don't say that, babe" I interrupted him "you are an amazing boyfriend, okay? You prepare so many sweet dates, Jug, and you're charming and you extra come over when I'm scared at home alone, you would punch everyone who says a wrong word about me. You are an amazing boyfriend, Jughead, okay?"

"yeah" I turned his head to look me at, me smiling at him "yes, I'm an amazing boyfriend" I shortly kissed him "good, now let's forget that and continue dancing, yeah?" he nodded and I put my head on his chest. We had danced a bit more before I couldn't stand on my heels anymore, so Jug dragged me back to the seats where he was sitting before. He pulled me on his lap and, surprised, I yelped.

He chuckled "sorry didn't mean to scare you" I shook my head "no, it's okay. You just surprised me" he rested his head on my shoulder, smiling "your hair smells good, is this the strawberry shampoo that I got you?" I nodded and he hummed "I'm gonna buy you that again, I like the smell" I chuckled, turning around to face him "you're a dork" and then I kissed him "but I love you"

"I love you too"

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