Chapter 15 - Pieces Of Happiness

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15th December
Betty's room
Betty's POV:


I jumped and sat up, gasping. This was just a dream.  I dreamed this whole shit... A dream, nothing else... Jughead is still at the hospital... in a coma but alive. He's alive. I put my hands on my chest. This felt so real. I sighed and laid back down, just wanting to fall asleep again.

My phone laid beside me, resting on the nightstand, untouched as I stared at it. Fred said, he would immediately inform me if he hears something new from Jughead. I stared at the wall, watching the shadows of the tree as cars passed the house. As a child I was afraid of them, thought they were monsters.

I don't know... If I want a call from Fred, that he informs me that Jughead is awake or if I want Jughead to magically appear outside of my window, standing on the top of the ladder and knocking on the glass to get my attention.

I was prepared for a restless night. That thoughts would clash against eachother, creating a mess in my brain once again but with that thought, him being here, I fell asleep within the next few minutes again.


Betty 10y/o, Jughead 11 y/o
3rd Person:


"we are together to the stars and beyond" Betty used to tell Jughead. Whenever one of them couldn't sleep, needed to talk or just wanted to see the other they would call and then head to the treehouse. Surprisingly no one ever added any other names.

"you and me awe meant to be" Jughead said after this, always. Jughead was stupid enough to fall for her promises.

"pwomise you will never leave me?" Jughead always asked her, he knew what Betty would answer but he just needed to know.

"it's gonna be the two of us forever and ever, right?" the blonde asked and he knew only one respond to this

"fowever and evew"


Present time
Betty's POV:


I woke up again and looked at the clock, 4.26am... too early to stay awake but I just couldn't sleep anymore, not without Jughead. I lifted up the blanket and crawled out of my bed. I trudged over to the bathroom and locked the door. I stepped in the shower and took a quick shower, without washing my hair. After I stepped out, I dried myself and then looked in the mirror, man I had backs under my eyes.


Betty 12 y/o, Jughead 13 y/o
Jughead's POV:


Betty and I always made time for meeting up at the treehouse. Actually for only two reasons. One, I wanted to be best friends with her and second, I needed to see her every single day. Betty would call me whenever she was ready and I would do the same. Often we would walk together but we also gave the other the chance to go ahead, at least if I or Betty needed some time alone and in peace.

Forever?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora