chapter 7

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I couldn't believe what I was doing. Your kissing Newt. I told myself. I closed my eyes still not believing it. It felt so wrong yet so right. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming in our direction. I pulled away and look around, trying to find where the footsteps were from. Newt stared at me confused.

''Is everything alright? Um, im sorry. I didn't know what I was doing.'' Newt said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

''Um, its ok, I guess. I think I heard footsteps when we were, you know...''I said, I could feel my cheek getting hotter.

''Newt! Are you in that tree again?'' I looked down and saw Alby walking up to us.

''Newt- What the hell are you two doing up that tree? ''Alby asked when he saw us.

''I was explaining to Annah about the bloody Beetle Blades. Showed her one even.'' Newt said and went down the tree. I followed after him.

''Up in the tree? ''Alby asked with an eyebrow raise.

''Im just gonna go.''I said as I turned around and begain to walk off.

''Wait, I ain't done with you.''Alby said . I stopped and faced him and Newt.

''Tomorrow you'll get your job. You were suppose to start trying  the jobs after this shuck-face give you a tour. But since you started late, go find Teresa and she'll show you the Map-makers.'' Alby said.

I nodded and went to go find Teresa. But not before listening to what Newt and Alby were saying as I was walking further away from them.

''I saw what you two were doing alright. Don't think you can fool me.'' Alby said to Newt teasingly.

I manage to find Teresa in a small building near the Homestead called the Map room. When I went inside, I found Teresa and 3 other Gladers studying  pieces of paper with some writing.

''Hey, Teresa. What are you doing?''I said and stood beside her.

''Oh hi Annah. Im just studying  the maps the Runners did.'' Teresa said as she grabbed another map from a box beside her.

''Well, Alby told me you would show me  Map-maker stuff so...''I said.

''Nothing really to show basically, you take a map and another one from the same sector but the day before and you compare.'' Teresa said as she got two maps and hand them to me.

''Seems easy enough. ''I said and sat beside her.

''Yeah, at first. Once you start getting confused and frustrated, you'll go mad like the rest of us.'' Teresa said laughing.

I begain looking at the maps hoping to find some answers or clues. I couden't consentrate as I keep think of what happened earlier.

''Hey, Teresa? ''I said.

''Yeah? Found anything? ''She replied.

''Um, no. I need to tell you something.'' I said and felt a little nervous.

''Whats wrong? ''She said as she put down the maps and look at me concerned.

I look around hoping the other Gladers weren't eavesdropping.

''I'll you tell later.'' I said and continued studying the maps.

''Ok...''Teresa said and contunied her work.

''What you want to tell me? ''Teresa said when we were getting ready for bed. We were still sleeping near the forest while Chuck and Thomas were at the Homestead.

''Well... You know just now Newt was suppose to give me a tour, right? ''I said as I tried distracting myself by playing when the grass.

''Oh yeah. I diden't saw you around until you came to the Map Room. Shouldn't you be roaming around the Glade? ''Teresa asked puzzled.

''Yeah, he diden't give me a tour. He asked me to meet him at the forest and I did. He asked me to climb a tree, showed me a Beetle Blade, started talking about the Creators and than he started getting emotional and than we...''I said, feeling a wierd mixture of feelings.

''What did you guys do? ''Teresa asked raising an eyebrow.

''We... Kissed? Yeah I think so.''I said and looked down embarassed.

''Oh my goodness. You kissed Newt? ''Teresa said,  her eyes wide. I nodded.

''I knew it! I knew it that  you and Newt had a thing going on.'' Teresa said ,squealing like a little girl.

''Pfft. It was just a kiss. A peck. Not like we made out or anything.''I said, trying to not make it such a big deal.

''Annah I know we only meet for only about 2 days, but you can't lie to me. I know you like Newt. I know Newt for about a month already and I know he likes you too.'' Teresa said seriously.

''You think he does?  I mean why me anyways im just some random girl trown in the Maze.'' I said looking down, not convinced.

''Look Annah, I'm also just some random girl trown in the Maze. But when I came here, I couden't help but feel a certain connection to Thomas. I have that  feeling when I meet him. And yes I do like him and he likes me too. I know you like Newt and he likes you just the same.'' Teresa said smiling.

''Since when did you became so deep? '' I asked laughing.

''Im serious.''

''I know. Fine, I do like him. He's very sweet, kinda cute...''I said and realise I was blushing.

''So how was the kiss? ''Teresa asked smirking.

The rest of the night was basically the both of us talking about Newt or Thomas, laughing until our stomachs hurt and finally falling asleep. I coulden't help but though of how I felt a connection towards Newt and if he felt the same. I feel asleep soon after.

I Feel You (Maze Runner Fanfic )(#wattys15)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن