chapter 30

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''So what do we have to do? ''Minho asked.

Minho, Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Adam and I were in the Map Room. Boxes of the Runners maps were scattered all around the floor. Rolls of wax paper, pen and pencils as well as some sharp knives were on the table ready to be used.

''First things first, Minho, Newt, cut me up some wax paper. About the same size of the paper you use for the maps.'' Thomas said handing Minho and Newt a knife each and a roll of wax paper.

''This better work.'' Minho said as he went to one of the tables to cut the paper. Newt followed.

''Ok, so the four of us will have to do the actual maps. Take one of the wax papers and trace out one of the map. Than take seven more traced maps, one from each section from the same day and put them over each other to compare it easily.'' Thomas said.

''So what are we suppose to look out for? ''Adam asked.

''Letters, numbers, anything that seems odd.'' Thomas said.

''Here.'' Newt said placing pieces of cut up wax paper on the table.

''Ok let's get to work.'' Thomas said.

I did what Thomas told me to do. After about 20 minutes of tracing and compairing, I saw something familiar in the map. I took a closer look and realise it was the letter L-

''Woah! ''Thomas said sitting up from his hunched position.

''What? Did you find anything? ''Teresa asked.

''Yeah, a letter F.'' Thomas said.

''Woah, that's freaky. ''Minho said.

''I know. Anyone else found anything? ''Thomas asked looking around.

''Yeah, an L.'' I said showing it to him.

"Found an O and a T." Adam said handing him the traced map.

''A.'' Teresa said.

All of us crowded around the table and lay out the maps. The letters, F,L,O,T and A were shown cleary through the lines representing the Maze.

"What the shuck is a FLOTA?'' Minho asked.

Thomas rolled his eyes. "It's FLOAT slinthead. Now we just need to see if there are anymore messages." 30 minutes of cutting ,tracing and comparing later,the word CATCH appered.

''Can't be a coincidence. ''Minho said.

''We gotta do more.'' Thomas said. He got up and went to one of the boxes. He grabbed a handful of paper maps.

''Oh no you don't.''Minho stopped him. We stared at him confused.

''At least not Thomas and I. We gotta go out to the Maze shank.'' Minho said looking at him.

''But Minho! This is more important-''

''No. We can't waste a day out, especially during a time like this. Who knows maybe the walls are changing or something. Were gonna stay out there till tomorrow morning to see if anything happens at night.'' Minho said sternly.


''Tommy, just go. Minho's right, you can't waste a day especially not now. Don't worry. The five of us will figure this out. If you want to know what's going on, just aask Teresa through that telegraphic thingy.'' Newt said.

Thomas looked at Teresa. She came nearer to him and kissed him. Thomas was taken aback at first but kissed back. It went on for about 5 seconds than things stared to get heated.Minho raised his eyebrows at Newt and I.

''What? '' I asked confused.

''Do you guys make out like that? ''Minho asked smirking.

I groan and went back to my table. Newt hit his head which only cause him to smirk wider.

''So you guys do? ''Minho asked.

''Out to the Maze! ''I said pointing to there door.

Minho laughed and cleared his throat causing Thomas and Teresa to pull away. They stood there awkwardly as Minho, Newt, Adam and I were looking at them.

''Bye Tom.'' Teresa said kissing his cheek.Thomas blushed as he followed after Minho out the door.

''Hey I found BLEED.'' Adam said coming up to me

''Alright, I'll gather some of the Map-makers to help us. You shanks just continue finding these messages. ''Teresa said leaving the Map Room.

Heyyy:)so a few things I wanna address for this A/N:

I always wanted to add cast members but I can't think of anyone perfect enough for Annah and Adam. The closet I can think of is Kendall Jenner for Annah and Hayes Grier for Adam(I know, I know Hayes has blue eyes). If you guys have any ideas on who should be Annah and Adam, just leave them in the comment:) Annah and Adam description:
-black hair (long for Annah, longish for Adam)
-Dark eyes
-tannish skin
-looks about 14 or 15

Kaya Scoldelario is enggaged! XDXDXD She and Benjamin Walker are so cute together! I wonder what their babies would be named...

And last but not least, O2L has said goodbye:'(. Ok I know this is not any TMR related but I just wanna say it. If you didn't know, O2L is a collab group on YouTube. I was sad that they were stopping the channel but was so proud at what they accomplished so far. And if you guys are fans, did you realise that after Connor left, they were slacking a bit... So in otherwards, Connor is the Glue of O2L that binds them together.;) WHAT UP MAZE RUNNER REFERENCE! (WHAT UP SUPERWOMAN REFERENCE(omg im slaying this )) hehe sorry:p

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