chapter 19

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Newt was kneeling down before me, he had a nervous look on his face. He said something to me. I looked shocked but happy at the same time.

The vision changed to me, Newt and a little boy. He had dirty blonde hair and dark eyes. It was an unsual combination but no words can discribe how beautiful he was...


My vision came back to normal and I see Teresa waving her hand in front of my face. I smiled to myself thinking of the vision I just had.

''Earth to Annah. Hey shank im shucking talking to you! ''I snapped back to reality and see Teresa glaring at me.

''Sorry Teresa. I just had another vision.''I said smiling.

''What was it about. Must be a good one since your not screaming your head off.'' Teresa said as she sat next to me. We were sitting near the door waiting for Thomas and Minho.

''Well, I had a vision of Newt and I...getting...married? I guess.''I said.

Teresa stared at me with her mouth hanging open.

''Are you serious? ''She squealed. I nodded.

''Oh my shucking god. Get out! Imagine if it actually happened! Oh my god, I have to be your bridesmaid and your gonna walk down the ail and you both are gonna kiss and have lots and lots of babies-''

''Teresa! What the hell. Babies? Are you serious? Its just a vision man, might not be real.''I said laughing.

''What are you ladies laughing about? ''Newt said walking up to us and sat next to me.

''Oh, hello Newt. Nothing really.'' Teresa said, trying to control her laughter.

''Ok...''Newt said. I coulden 't take it any more and started laughing like crazy. Teresa followed too.

''What the bloody hell? You two are crazy. ''Newt said as he got up and went to Thomas who just entered the Glade.

''What's wrong with them? ''Thomas nodded to Teresa and I who were laughing hysterically.

''I have no bloody idea. Must be a girl thing.'' Newt said.

''Ouh lighten up Newty.''I said standing up and kissed his cheek.

''Newty? Thats new.''Newt said smirking at me.

''Get a room lovebirds.'' Minho said when he entered the Glade. He walked pass us and went to the Map Room.

'' I think you guys should go spend the night together with Minho. He seems pretty lonely lately. ''I said. I noticed that ever since I started dating Newt, Minho has been pretty alone without Thomas or Newt. Thomas would always hang out with Teresa and Newt with me.

''Ok. We'll go have some guy time with him. What about you girls? ''Thomas said.

''Don't worry, we'll have fun just the two of us, right Annah? ''Teresa said smirking.

''Yeah, we'll be fine.''I said smirking back.

''Good that. We should go have some dinner and get Minho all snuggled up behind the Homestead''Thomas said. Newt, Teresa and I gave him a wierd look.

''Sorry.'' Thomas mumbled. The four of us laughed and made our way to the kitchen for dinner.

We meet Chuck, Adam and Minho there. Newt told him about the plan for tonight and Minho agreed enthusiastically.

''Hey what was the song you sang to me just now? ''Newt asked as he finished his soup.

''Aww, that's so shucking sweet.'' Minho said pretending to wipe a tear.

''Slim it slinthead. Its noting. Just some song played in my vision over and over again.''I said.

''Is it The Hanging Tree one? ''Adam asked. I nodded.

''Well lets hear it.'' Teresa said.

''Maybe next time. I mean were still eating right? ''I said and saw that everyones bowl was empty.

''Yeah air is so shucking delicious. Just sing the shucking song already.'' Minho said.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

''Wait, I'll sing with you.'' Adam said smiling. He got up and sat next to me. He mouth 1,2 and 3 and we sang the song.

''Are you, are you, coming to the tree?
Where I told you to run, so we both be free .
Strange this did happen here no
Stranger would it be.
If we meet at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
Strange this did happen here no stranger would it be.
If we meet at midnight in the hanging tree.''

Adam and I look at all of them. We saw that nearly the whole Glade were looking at us.

''Wow...that was...''Minho stopped talking started clapping.

The other Gladers all begain to clap and cheer for us. Newt took my hand and whispered to me.

''Despite that creepy song ,your voice is as sweet as you.'' Newt said smirking to me. I felt myself blushing making him smirk even more.

''Alright, alright, settle down shanks. Now that we all know that the twins can bust a song, finish you dinner and go to shucking bed.'' Alby said. I saw him shoot a smile at me.

Hi:)so yeah this chapter they sang. Next chapter will be about the boys' and the girls' so call slumber party. I'll try my best to update later today so you'll still be in the flow.:)

I Feel You (Maze Runner Fanfic )(#wattys15)Where stories live. Discover now