
I looked at Izuku's scowling expression. His hair was drenched with ran water and his wide green eyes didn't have their usual shine. And I started to wonder if any of what class 1A saw was real. He had sat in silence for at least a minute after what I last said. 

"Todoroki, I don't need your help. Go away.", he said blankly.

I sighed and nodded. I left the room. I walked down the hallway in pursuit of my dorm room, that I shared with Tokoyami. I pushed open the door and saw him perched on the edge of his bed, reading some assigned homework. He nodded at my appearance and went back to reading. But I walked up to him and said, "You know Midoriya?"

"Small nervous kid, yeah? What about him?", he replied as he looked up from his book. 

"There's somthing off with him.", I said.

"Well, who knows how long that Bakugo jerk has been bullying him. As far as I can tell he's completely depressed."

"How do you know that?"

"Dark Shadow can tell stuff like that. He might look like a happy go lucky guy, even if he is a huge  cry baby, he's not happy, like at all. Keep an eye on him Shoto.", with that he backed up his homework and headed for his room.

Later that evening I was wandering the halls after dinner, I tried to eat but couldn't eat much, I was feeling to distracted. As I walked down a deserted hall I heard, "You shitty nerd, why do you even try here?! You know you're the worst! Hell, I wouldn't even put you in the lowest AU class!", that damned Bakugo.

 As I walked down a deserted hall I heard, "You shitty nerd, why do you even try here?! You know you're the worst! Hell, I wouldn't even put you in the lowest AU class!", that damned Bakugo

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"Stop it Kacchan, what did I ever do to you?!", answered Midoriya's voice. I stopped around the corner to watch. 

"You existed.", bakugo's Seething angry voice stated.

"That's it.", I said out loud, with a tone of finality. I rounded the corner and big suprise, saw Bakugo cornering Izuku and gripping his color threateningly. I marched up to Bakugo. Deku's eyes Widened at my appearance.

He turned around and sneered at me. "What? Standing up for a weakling like Deku? This isn't your concern fool."

I answered his question by punching him hard in the nose. He stepped back in shock, as if he thought I didn't have it in me. That offended me and I took advantage of his suprise and kneed him right in the family jewels. He stumbled over and I pulled Deku up and slung him over my shoulder. "Next time you want a fight, suck down your pride and pick someone who's ready.", I said coldly to the cocky jerk on his knees. 

He clutched his bloody nose and gave me a murderous stare. I hurried Midoriya a good distance away and then sat him down on a bench. He seemed completely dazed as I looked him over. His arms were covering in bruises. His face covered in soot from Bakugo's explosions and his lip was cut up and bleeding all over his chin. I sighed and hauled him back up onto my back and carried him all the way to his dorm room. People stared as we wade our way up.

"Why would anyone want to seat up Midoriya? He's the most kind person here.", I heard someone whispered to their friend.

They nodded, "You have to be quite the air head to take advantage like that."

I smiled a tiny bit at someone indirectly calling Bakugo an air head. When I finally got up to Deku's dorm, that was shared with Uraraka, the door swung opened before I even knocked. 

"Oh my gosh! Deku, what happened to him!?", Uraraka exclaimed worriedly. She helped me support his weight as I lowered him onto a chair.

"I ran in on Bakugo beating him up.", I said. "Do you have any first aid supplies?"

She hurried over to one of the kitchen cabinets and opened it, bringing some bandages and things for Deku. She glared at the door. " That Bakugo is in for it if he lays one more hand on him.", she stated with a fiery glint of anger in her eyes. 

"I already took care of that. I'll be watching that arrogant man-child.", I took a wet washcloth from the kitchen and went over to Midoriya who was coming to his senses. I started wiping the blood off of his face carefully.

"Todoroki?-", He croaked out in suprise. 

I rolled my eyes at his shock. "Yeah Izuku of course it's me. I'm not just going to let that jerk beat up classmates." Uraraka handed me a big square band aid that I put on Izuku's fore head where he had a large cut. Deku went to sit up and winced. I unbuttoned his shirt and saw a massive bruise on his side, it was swelling up and looked painful and ugly. 

Uraraka gasped slightly, "That one will need an ice pack for sure." She got up from her seat on the carpeted floor and went to get one from the freezer.

"Izuku, Why was he beating you up?", I asked.

"He hates me. I offered him help getting out of a stream he fell into once when we were kids and from then on he hated me.", deku said frowning.

I was angry inside. "That's the most stupid grudge to hold against someone I've ever heard of. Now lay down, I'm not letting you go anywhere tonight." Uraraka came back into the room and handed me an ice pack and a towel and I put it over deku's side. Uraraka gave me a worried look as I sat down on the couch across from him. 

Eventually deku fell asleep. He seemed to shiver despite the comfortable temperature of the room and the many blankets Uraraka had layered on him. 

"I see Mr. Izuku has gotten into some trouble.", came a bland, bored sounding voice from behind us. 

I turned around, "Mr. Aizawa?" Why was he here?


I don't own any of the art shown.

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