Really Intense Chase Music

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Emma had taken off, Hidgens floating right after her.

"Fucking hell- One found us! Now it's gonna tell every other blue dipshit about us!" Emma had only been running for a couple minutes, but she was already a little short on breath.

"Well, he might not want to. He might just want to Infect you himself." Hidgens was too relaxed for the circumstances. He was floating next to Emma, chin in his hands. "And when he does I'm gonna deactivate myself."

"Wait- himself? Hidgens, don't fucking tell me we ran right into-"

"Oh yes, we did. That's the infamous experiment, the one who started it all- stop rolling your eyes at me Emma- the one who found us is the infamous Experiment "Paul"." He emphasized how scary "Paul" was by going "dun-dun-dun" and making a thunder booming noise with his mouth.

"Jesus fucking..... What's our chances of getting out of this situation alive?"

Hidgens looked behind himself quickly. "Approximately 1 percent survival probability, decreasing rapidly. He's quick, moving faster than any other Infected I've seen."

Emma didn't respond, just nodded and kept moving. She didn't dare look behind her- if she did she might trip over something that was in front. And then she'd die. And that wouldn't be good.

"Oh, come on, Emma!" The blood-covered lab experiment sang. "Don't you want to have fun, too?"

"No thanks! I'm good!" Emma called back, still focusing on the road ahead.

"That's no way to be, Emma!" He said, punctuating his sentence with a loud laugh.

"Has anybody ever told you how fucking annoying you are?" This time she did look behind her. She wanted to see this idiot's reaction to her insult. As a result, she tripped over a rock. Emma heard a click, and Hidgens was gone.

"Paul" was hovering over her in barely a millisecond. When he was up close like this, Emma could see that his right eye was twitching, his hands were tinted blue and shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes glowed just a little bit. Emma tried to scoot away, but it was no use. "Paul" just followed every movement she made.

"It was funny for a while. You, running around, wearing that stupid surgery mask, shooting things, stabbing things. But it's over now, isn't it?"

Emma covered her face, closing her eyes as tight as possible. "Paul" seemed to be turning this into a dramatic scene, reaching slowly for her stomach, getting ready to tear out her guts...

And then he didn't.

He must've seen something or heard something- a thing that needed his attention, something more important than gutting Emma. And he left.

Emma eventually opened her eyes. The moon was out. "Paul" was gone. She swiveled her head around. No Infected, all of her organs were intact. It took her a little longer to get up, since her legs were shaking horribly. They were still a little shaky by the time she got up.

"Hidgens? I'm alive. No need to hide for the rest of forever."

A click, then Hidgens was back. "What the fuck? How are you- you shouldn't be- why are all your organs still in your body?"

Emma laughed a little, and shrugged. "Guess he got distracted, or something like that."


Emma interrupted. "Oh well. I need to find shelter. You can be shocked about my survival in silence."

Experiment Paul AU 2.0Where stories live. Discover now