What? What the fuck?

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Both Emma and the new man kept stuttering absolute nonsense at each other.

"We thought there wasn't anybody else left-"

"I thought I was the only one left! I th-thought-"

"Oh my god. Oh my god-"

"Ok. Ok. Ok! Ok. Ok- Alright. Oh Jesus," Emma was freaking out. She thought this wasn't possible. It's been months since the apocalypse. How come she was just running into more non-musical people now? "Ok, lets start over. Let's- Uh... Ok. Introductions. Uh, my name's Emma. Emma, uh, Perkins."

The man made a face. He didn't know wether to trust her or not, but after a few moments of silence, he sighed. "Bill," He nodded towards his daughter, who had fallen asleep in his arms, "and this is Alice."

Emma smiled "Nice to meet y-"


Emma jumped, and Bill screamed. Alice, surprisingly, kept sleeping. The Hidgens hologram was floating a couple inches above the ground, angered.


Bill looked at Emma in confusion and fear. Emma shrugged, indifferent and mildly annoyed. "His name is Hidgens. He's insane. He's real, you're not on crack."

Bill blinked a couple times, looking at the hologram. He was still ranting his head off, walking around in circles.

"You'll never get used to him."

Hidgens hovered a couple inches from Emma's face, his expression showed nothing but rage.

"Geez, someone doesn't know what personal space is today."

"Emma. You're the only survivor. You keep saying that to me. I have no reason to believe him- or the little gremlin he's holding- are alive in the slightest."

"Ok, first," Bill huffed, adjusting Alice in his arms,  "This is my daughter. Second, we have no reason to believe you guys aren't some weird infected trick either."

Hidgens finally went silent for a few seconds. He floated over to Bill and inspected every part of him, and even took a couple glances at Alice.

"Hmmmm..... Holy fuck." He turned back to Emma. "They're both........ alive!"

"Yeah, it's hard to believe, but you don't need to be dramatic about it, dude."

Hidgens decided to ignore her previous statement. "Anyways, you can tell we're alive because, watch this- Emma, sing something."

"Oh, uh-" Emma sung a couple broken notes,  and then Hidgens stopped her.

"See? Alive. Your paranoia meant nothing."

Emma shot a mean look at Hidgens, and then looked at Bill, who was watching the scene with mild amusement. "Listen, Bill? This is gonna sound desperate, but can you help us out a little bit? Scavenging's getting hard, and, y'know, the water supply was infected..."

"Oh! Of course. But just... keep it quiet? There's a two more people like me and you and Alice, and one of them doesn't handle screaming all that well."

A few moments of silence.

"Wait, what the fuck?"

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