Oh my God There's Two Of Them (Quarintine has changed me)

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Emma threw open the rotten doors to a run down building, finding a solid enough wall and sitting down against it.

"Still having a panic attack, Professor?" She said, smiling slightly.

The hologram huffed in frustration, sitting next to her with his arms crossed over his chest. He look like a pissed off toddler. "It shouldn't have happened, Emma! He should've- why didn't he just-" He imitates someone ripping out her guts with his hands.

"Don't overthink it. Actually, no, it's too late for me to say that. Don't overthink it more."

"Don't get fuckin' smart with me, Emma-"

Their conversation devolved into witty remarks and useless arguing.

"Um, excuse me?"

Their conversation stopped. Emma heard a click. She slowly turned her head to the source of the voice. It was a young girl, holding a small worn down teddy bear in one hand and a knife stained with glowing blue blood in the other.

"I like your hologram!" She said, taking a couple cautious steps towards Emma.

"Oh, uh... thanks...?" Emma responded, titling her head a little. Was this girl..... alive?

She didn't glow, her smile showed no signs of confidence. She also didn't start signing immediately.

"Alice!" Another voice called. This one sounded panicked, desperate, scared. It made Emma jump. "Oh god, Alice! Where'd you go?"

The little girl- who Emma presumed was Alice- huffed in frustration, puffing her cheeks. "That's my dad. He's been going craaaaaazzzy ever since people started singing."

"Oh, uh, ok, yeah- yeah. That's neat." Emma looked around the room nervously. She always thought she was the only survivor. Now suddenly there's two more?

And then a dark-skinned man, ripped up clothes stained with the blood of the infected and the regular red blood of humans came barreling into the room. "Oh thank god-" he ran right over and scooped her up. "Don't you do that! You scared-"

"Uh.... hi?" Emma looked at the pair, confused. Was she hallucinating? Did being too close to a spore-ridden alien make her high? It was only her out there, right?.......... right?

The man stared at her for at least 4 uncomfortable minutes, eyes blown wide in panic and confusion.

"Holy hell," he finally said, "You're alive."

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