♔ 4| Iconic ♔

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The screen surprisingly read; Super Friend Duet, making both Kara and Barry cringe considering they were the only ones who knew that existed.

"What?" Cisco asked. "Yeah, I'm confused too, you didn't do this in Glee club." Finn pointed out. "It's a long story..." Barry said, holding back laughter.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"Mr. Iran told me that you have more songs in your repertoire." Winn said.

Winn's eyes widened. "Wait.. but I didn't..." He started, confused by this situation. "Yeah it was when I went in Kara's mind to save her." Barry said, receiving a few awes from the Glee club.

"We have to finish the musical." Kara realised. Barry just nodded with a 'yeah'. "Uh do you, do you happen to know anything original?" Kara stammered.

A smirk spread across Winn's face. "As a matter of fact I've been working on something all day." He explained, surprising Barry. "Wow things really are easier in musicals." He said.

Finn rolled his eyes. "No they are not, believe me after the whole Rocky Horror incident." He shuttered, making everyone laugh.

"At time's like these when life is getting me down, and the world seems like it's gonna end...Ship?" He asked, receiving a shrug from Kara.

"Wow and I thought I was dramatic." Rachel said, laughing. "Is it that time of the month for Barry?" Alex teased, making him roll his eyes.

"There's at least one power that we both still have and that's the power of..." He said. "Friend ship?" Kara questioned.

Unique awed. "Both of your voices blend so well together!" She said. "Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it you have a great voice man." Mon-El said, patting his shoulder.

"I'm your super friend!" Barry sang smiling at Kara, making her start laughing. "I'll be there in a nick of time if you're ever in a spot." He sang.

"#Friendship goals." Kurt yelled, Blaine just laughed. "Hey I'm her real best friend!" Winn pouted.

"You wish!" Mon-El said, putting his arm around Kara, as she rolled her eyes at their idiocy.

"If your not there in time you can go back in time and give it another shot!" She suggested. "I'm actually not supposed to do that anymore." He breathed. "Oh okay." Kara said sadly.

Iris laughed, "Yeah but he's done it again and again." She said. "Hey! It was important!" He defended.

"I'm your super friend, super friend~" Kara sang. "When you need a compliment I can rattle off a dozen!" He said as she fixed her eyelashes in the mirror.

"Ain't nobody got time for that." Santana said, causing everyone to laugh.

Barry walked over. "For instance I can also say I'm not impressed, by your famous cousin." He sang. "Thank you nobody says that!"

"He's all like all I'm Superman!" He said in a funny voice, getting weird look from Winn.

"That me even likes Superman!" Winn yelled in defense of Clarke. "He's my cousin, why are you defending him?" Kara said trying not to laugh.

Kara bursted out laughing, "That was a spot on impression!" She giggled. Both of them puffed out their hats."I'm your super friend!" They both sang.

Rachel pointed at the screen, "This is iconic, how is this not on Broadway?!" She asked laughing. "Why thank you Miss. Streisand." Kara said.

"Becoming somebody's pal, your the best!" She exclaimed. "I love you more than the lightning bolt I wear on my chest." He sang.

The room got quiet. "So we're just not going to talk about that?" Kitty asked. "Well I obviously didn't mean love love." Barry said, his face pink. "Sure Jan." Alex said. Both Mon-El and Jake fixed him with a harsh glare, not saying anything.

"If your ever sad I'll bring you flowers!" She sang, cheerfully. "Can you soprano as one of your powers?" He sang.

"If your ever broke-" she started. "I've got the cash." He sang.

Santana rolled her eyes. "Weird flex but okay." She said, making everyone laugh.

"On my couch," "Your welcome to crash." They both sang, finishing each other's lines.

"I'm honestly okay with crashing on your couch, it's really comfortable." He said, as everyone laughed.

"If you ever need a ten," she said, "I'll be there in a flash." He sang, with a awkward pun. "Barry!" She giggled. "That was funny!"

Kara sighed, "No, No it wasn't." She said, making him laugh. "Yes it was!" He defended.

"I'm your super (that has double meaning) friend!" They both sang as Barry spun Kara.

Britney started clapping. "Ten out of ten, would watch again!" She yelled.

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