Chapter 7 UN meeting

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NRA Guard: Ok Y/N, you're all set. The car is all yours.

Y/N: Thank you. -gets inside driver seat- Alright, let's go, everyone!

Everyone gets inside the car. My teammates all seem excited about seeing home once more but the girls are all nervous.

Y/N: Here we go! -drives-


We reached the other side of the Gate. I spotted UN troops guarding the Gate, one came over for identification.

Y/N: Here are our identification papers. -gives papers to guard-

UN guard: Okay, you're free to go.

UN assembly building of Nanjing

Here I am in the Nanjing UN assembly building. Leaders and politicians from foreign countries gathered. The leaders are Harry S. Truman of the United States, Joesph Stalin of the Soviet Union (I'm surprised to see him here), Clemente Attlee of Great Britain, Chiang Kai-Shek of the Republic of China along with other leaders who I don't recognize. I was called up to the stand.

UN official: Well Y/N, I heard that there was a dragon attack and a third of the refugees are killed. Did you do anything to help?

Y/N: Yes, we did.

UN official: Yes, you help them by doing nothing but slack off! Your army is lazy, corrupt, and incompetent, what else is there?!


Sometimes I don't understand politics, to me, it's nothing but a verbal weapon that makes you look bad and gives everyone the excuse to fuck you over. Even the Generalissimo is getting angry.

Y/N: We did everything we can to defeat the dragon.

UN official: What did you do?

Y/N: We shot at it with guns and our tank.

UN official: That's all, no airstrike?

Y/N: That's all we had on hand. Not even our tank even affected it.

UN official: And how am I supposed to believe that?


Chiang Kai-Shek: How about you let my soldier speak first?

Harry S. Truman: Yeah, let him speak first. Go ahead, Y/N, tell everyone the whole story.

Joseph Stalin: Let the man speak for himself.

Clemente Attlee: (mutter) Ironic for Stalin to say.

UN Official: Fine, but he's probably covering everything up.

Y/N: The Red Dragon appeared out of nowhere, we tried shooting it with our guns but the bullets harmlessly bounced off its skin. Not even our M2 Brownings affected it. Our tank didn't have any AP munitions. We only managed to blind one eye and blast an arm off with an anti-tank launcher. That is when the Red Dragon retreated. Children and some elderly were left behind so we took them in. I ordered a refugee camp to be built and rations to be delivered. You may ask the girls from the Special Region.

UN official: Alright, uhh, you with the blue hair please come up to the stand.

Leilei walked up to the stand.

UN Official: Leilei La Lalena is this your name?

Leilei: -hesitates- Yes.

UN Official: What do you think of the soldiers of the National Revolutionary Army?

Leilei: They're nice, caring, and protective. That's all I have to say.

UN Official: That's all? Alright, next, uhh, Tuka?

Tuka walks up to the stand.

UN Official: Is there anything you need to say about the NRA troops?

Tuka: Well, they give us all the necessities we need. They're friendly and always helping out people.

UN Official: Okay, next, err, Rory Mercury? (thoughts) Wait, are those mourning clothes? This will be a good opportunity to expose the NRA troops. (Speaks) Rory Mercury, have you recently lost anyone?

Rory: Does it look like I lost anyone? They did what they can to protect the refugees.

UN Official: Listen, child! I don't know how your world works, but here we respect the elderly. How about you expose the NRA for their crimes?!

I saw Rory tense up and she glared at the UN official.

Rory: -inhales and yells into the microphone- ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!

Everyone covered their ears.

UN Official: You are a very disrespectful child! How about you learn some manners?

I stepped in to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Y/N: Listen, she is not a child!

UN Official: -scoffs- Look at her! She looks like a 13-year-old!

Y/N: Appearances can be deceiving! She is a demi-god and apostle of death! If I didn't intervene you would be dead and how about YOU learn some manners you son of a bitch! Rory is older than everyone here!

UN Official: Wait, how old is Rory?

Rory: I am 961.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Tuka: I am 165.

Everyone: HUH?!

Leilei: I am 15.

Everyone: -sighs- Good.

Y/N: Long story short. The welfare of the refugees is on me. General Sun approved this action and allowed me to construct a refugee camp. A week later, on a reconnaissance mission, we ran into a battle between a militia of a city and an army of bandits. The city defenders barely fought them off. Later that night, the bandit army returned and began slaughtering the defenders. I took my men to defeat the group of bandits though we had to call in an airstrike to defeat the bandits. We also signed a peace treaty where the city of Italica is under our control. I cannot leave them there, the city is run by a 12-year-old with little experience in politics. They wouldn't last long if we left them alone, I felt like what I've done was right for the Republic of China and the people of the New Region.

UN Official: Ah, so you force them to sign a peace trea-

Harry S. Truman: (angry) That's enough sir! (proud) Y/N, your actions and decisions, I approve and support them.

Joseph Stalin: Your words, decisions, and actions, impressed me, comrade. Well done!

All of the world leaders began supporting my decision and forced the UN Official to apologize for making us look bad. I took my team and left the building.

Y/N: Asshole, trying to make us look bad.

Lin: That Pok Gai* UN guy.

Liang: How about we go for some lamian*?

Frank: Oh, good idea! Let's go.

Stalin's POV

Stalin: (thoughts) Hmm, a GATE to another world. This would be a perfect opportunity to spread communism and win allies. I'll send some spies to scout the New World, invade China, and take control over the GATE. But first I need to capture those girls from the New World.


Something is odd about Stalin. He never shows up to any UN assemblies. It must be the GATE that attracted his attention, I must report this to the Generalissimo as soon as possible. I suspect he is plotting to take the Gate by force.

Chapter 7 END

*Pok Gai is a curse word in Cantonese. It literally means, "Falling on the street" but it has three different meanings depending on how you use it.

*Lamian or Lai mein is a hand-pulled noodle. And it also literally means, "pulled noodle".

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