A little something I came up with

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Gate: Thus the SEALs fought there

Chapter 1 New York City Gate

 One year after Raul Menendez has been captured and placed in custody, a mysterious Gate appeared in Times Square in New York City. First responders and SWAT arrived at the scene to find civilians being slaughtered and held captive. They held their ground as best as they could before they retreated. Bridges and tunnels have been blocked by the military, Manhattan has fallen with pockets of resistance with law enforcement, gangs, and civilian gun owners. After a week, the National Guard, along with the US Marines, Navy, Airforce, and NYPD took back Manhattan without any casualties while taking many generals prisoner. The news struck fear in many of the American citizens and America's closest ally, China. President Marion Bosworth with Primer Chen has spoken their actions on this matter in Vancouver.

Bosworth: As you all know, New York City was under attack by unknown forces. Reports from our brave combatants say that the unknown forces were ancient Roman soldiers with dragons and bizarre creatures. Scout drones we sent through the portal to the other world has confirmed that the unknown forces will attempt another invasion of the United States of America. I will immediately take action to protect the citizens of America, as it is my responsibility as the President of the United States of America.

Chen: I may not be related to this matter but as a friend of Madam President Bosworth and a close ally to America, I will assist the war effort by sending PLA and SDC forces to reinforce the US Army in this war. All of President Bosworth's efforts to build up China-US relations were not in vain.

May 14th, 2026 New York City 1200 Hours

A mix of soldiers from the US Marines, Rangers, SEALs, and Chinese PLA and SDC troops were stationed outside of the portal. Drones, CLAWs, and AGRs are also on standby, ready to secure a foothold in the New World. Lots of American M1A4 Abrams and Chinese Type 99-2 tanks were lined up in front of the portal.

Section: Men, we are going to gain a foothold in the other world. We have to do this for the people, our president, and our country.

Everyone: Yes sir!

Section: We'll advance with the armored units first then the infantry units will reinforce the armored units, automated drones will go in last. Now advance!

The armored units advanced and disappeared into the portal. Then we moved in with our guns on the ready.

20 minutes later

We arrived in the New World.

Section: Hostiles 12 o'clock! Battle stations!

Everyone rushed to reinforce the tanks.

Section: Shoot when they get to the foot of the hill!

???: They're not doing anything, this is an easy victory!

Section: Wait for it. (short pause) FIRE! -fires M8A1-

Our guns cut them down and wiped them out in a matter of minutes. They never stood a chance against us.

Section: Build fortifications immediately! Set up command post and defense lines.

2 hours later

More troops mean less time in building a makeshift base. At least there were the basic necessities for a military base set up, given we have limited machinery to build a more fortified base.

May 20, 2026, Washington D.C.

Bosworth: My fellow American citizens, our forces have entered through the portal to the other world and were immediately attacked. Our brave men and allies have successfully fought them off while sustaining no casualties. We're now making contact with rural villages to learn more about the new world. I will inform you all when we have more information on the other world.

May 20, 2026, Beijing 1 hour later

Chen: My people, our troops in the new world, allied with the Americans, were immediately attacked once they crossed. Our brave soldiers along with the American soldiers, have fought them off without receiving casualties. As allies of our American brothers, we will continue to support and fight for them.


Gate: Thus the NRA fought thereHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin