3. Best Friend

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Best Friend - Auburn

~ Dawn ~

I fluttered my eyes. My head was beating, hard. I tried to sit up, but my body felt weighed down. And I had a tingling sensation going through my body, like when your foot's asleep. But, only this time it was my whole body. The room was spinning as I was trying to make sense of where I was.

"She's moving!" I heard somebody yell, and scurrying footsteps. I wanted to know where I was so bad. But, my body and eyes weren't cooperating.

I shut my eyes tight, and opened them again. My vision was clear. And I was in a hospital bed.. I tried sitting up again, but realized that I was moving an IV machine that was connected to me. I sighed.

"Hey, baby," My mom said softly rubbing her hands through my hair like she hadn't seen me in the longest.

"Hey, ma," I replied. "Why am I here?"

"You got into a car accident, with Ty ..." She said slowly trying to let me process the words.

"Oh, I remember," I looked her up and down trying to make sense of why she was acting so distant. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, Ty is fine--" She cut herself off. "Baby, do you remember the date?" She kept talking slow and it was kind of getting annoying.

"Yeahh, October 25th?" I said just as slowly so she could get annoyed, too. "No, wait-- I was probably out for a day or two. So, like, the 26th? 27th?" I didn't understand why her and my dad were looking at me like this. I'm fine, right?

"No, honey," My mom said as a tear dropped from her eye. "It's January.. 22nd." I looked at her with complete shock written all over my face.

"What?!" I yelled loudly.

"Yeah, the deer hit into your side of the car and the horns hit your head.." She said with the most serious facial expression I ever saw her with. "3 months ago."

I just shook my head. Wow. I thought. I can't believe I spent 3 months in the hospital, when it felt like just yesterday.. My parents sat there with me while I tried to process my thoughts for what felt like 4 hours, when only an hour went by.

"Hey, y'all," A low, sad voice said entering the room. He had bags of food, and as soon as he saw me, his whole entire face lit up. "Dee!" Ty yelled running over to me. He layed his head on my chest, and he looked like he was about to cry. My parents left the room to give us some "privacy". I guess they still believe me and Ty are secretly dating or whatever.

"Hey, Ty," I said, not knowing what to say. "What's up?"

"What up?" He laughed. "You up, Big Head!" I laughed and nodded.

"You got me in here for 3 months, and you calling me a big head?" I said shaking my head and laughing. "Some nerve."

"I know, Dee," He said as his eyes went sad again. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't know that was gunna happen. I shoulda just let you stay at home, and all this shit woulda never happened." He rambled on. "I was here everyday for you, though. After school, before school just hopin' you'd wake up. I felt horrible, I swear."

"It's okay, Ty, really," I said rubbing his head as he laid on my chest. "It wasn't your fault. It coulda happened to anyone."

"Dawn, I love you more than anything in the world," He said looking up at me. "And to see you laying in this hospital bed, and it all being my fault.. it was killing me." I didn't even know what to do at that point, I just knew that we were so close and that he never really told me that he loved me like that before. Caught up in the moment, we both leaned in and kissed. It was the first time that I ever actually kissed Ty, and his lips were so soft, I didn't want to stop. I was running my hand through his hair and he slowly got on top of me, never breaking the kiss. Finally, I pulled out the kiss, wide eyed.

"I can't believe--"

"We just did that.." He finished the sentence for me. He climbed off of me.


~ Tyga ~

I never get all in my emotions, around anybody but Dawn. So, I just let all the feelings that I held in for so long out. And it's like her lips had power. After hers connected with mine, I just never wanted to break the kiss, or end it. I wanted to be stuck in that moment forever. But, even though I let out all of my feelings, and told her how I felt. She never said a word, just listened. Processing everything I was saying.

I missed seeing her with her eyes open. The last 3 months without her were reckless. Suicide was contemplated constantly and I didn't know what to do with myself, especially considering the fact that people were telling me that that there was a possibility her eyes would never open again...

"What are you thinking about?" She asked as I sat there with my elbows on my knees, hands balled up into fists and help up to my chin. She was just sleeping, I didn't realize when she woke up.

"Nothin'," I said softly sitting back in the chair and pulling out my cellphone.

"I love you, too .."

"Huh?" I was confused, and ended up putting my cellphone right back in my pocket. And the fact that she never told me that she loved me, ever; Even after I told her that I loved her, made me feel some type of way. I didn't even know what I was feeling, but it felt good.

"I said, I love you, too, Michael." I didn't know what to say, so I went with my first instinct and acted like I didn't know what was going on.

"Why you say that all outta the blue, and whatnot?" I asked walking over to the chair right next to her bed, that I occupied earlier.

"I don't know.." She said. "It's just that, when you told me that you loved me, I didn't know what to feel. I had to think about it. So, that's all I did. And I realized that I loved you, too."

"You know when I started liking you?" I asked scooting closer to her so we were eye to eye, and so close that only a thin sheet of paper would be able to separate us.

"When?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Ever since you asked me to lick your dusty ass shoes," She laughed.

"And you know when I started liking you?" She asked biting her bottom lip.

"When?" I mocked her tone from earlier.

"When you thought you were a gentleman giving up your swing." She raised an eyebrow, and I chuckled. Closing the small distance between us and feeling her soft lips on mine for the second time that day.

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