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I was awaken by the sound of the really strong wind. Adrian was able to see the terror in my eyes, so he linked his hands through mine.

They say that planes are pretty much safe, but I had my own doubts. After all, I've been on a plane only once. It wasn't such a great experience.

On the other hand I knew that if anything goes wrong, there are multiple alternatives of safety supplies. 

I feared it. I feared death.

I nudged Adrian's arm, which caused him to turn and ask if I was okay. He was cut off by a familiar voice. 

It was Elliot's.

I was too scared to look up, whereas he spoke mercifully.

"Don't worry, this air bump is very common and is always expected to happen. You're safe in our arms," he said.

His voice was so calm and undisturbed by the strong wind- that I also feared. 

I tried brushing off my expression that represented true panick, but Elliot saw it anyway.

He leaned down, until I didn't have to look up to him.

Afterwards he whispered, "I'm here, you'll be totally fine."

A part of me couldn't trust him. What if I won't be fine? He'll regret saying that once he attends my funeral. The other part of me felt safer, more than what I'd ever expect anytime soon. 

I smiled, meaning it deep down. His lips stretched into a charming smile as he got back up.

I looked out of the plane's window, forgetting that Adrian was right next to me.

He rolled his eyes, catching my attention. 

"Oh! Adrian!" Elliot and I expressed at the same time. I giggled, and so did Elliot. 

I suddenly felt guilt cut right through me.

I stopped giggling, and immediately gave Adrian an apologetic smile and look. He looked away, not returning any of that.

Elliot waved me off, and went to calm down other passengers. 

I knew he'd do that anyway. And I hated it.

"Its not like I'll ever catch feelings for Elliot, you know," I said, calmly.

He gave me an understanding nod before speaking, "I know. Please don't mind me right now. Sorry."

I nudged his cheeks and leaned into his arms. As I rested against his chest, while drinking the orange juice, I smiled and sniffed his scent the whole time. He did the same too.

Freezing in our positions, we slept mercifully. Until a voice disturbed my sleep again.

It was a guy speaking roughly through a microphone. I took off my earphones in a hurry and leaned in near the speakers. I wanted to wake up adrian, only realizing he wasn't there.

I shook my head, thinking he was in the bathroom.

Then, the guy began speaking once again.

His voice was that deep voice I always woke up and slept to.

It was the voice that I adored

That was when I knew Adrian wasn't in the bathroom, yet he was in the middle of the plane, speaking right through a microphone. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not really a flight attendant, but I needed to inform everyone something important," he expressed.

I heard a few whistles and a few gasps, and to my guessing it was from the girls' group.

I turned to their side, and it was certainly them.

I rolled my eyes, trying to calm myself down. 

How did I want him so bad when not so long ago I felt the same way towards Mark?

It was time that I'd let go of my selfish attitude.

I breathed in and out, and that was when Adrian continued.

"I don't know if you can tell, but I'm madly inlove with a very cute girl. She's sitting in the seat E33. Isn't she just so beautiful?" he asked as the whole passengers stared at me.

The girls nodded without saying anything. The guys smiled and some even yelled an answer.

"Damn, you're lucky!" one screamed.

"He sure is!" another one screamed.

"Yeah," Elliot commented, making almost everyone look back at him.

I looked at him too. I blushed furiously, and so did he.

I smiled at each one of them, not caring about a single smile except Adrian's.

Well, almost.

"No one else can have her, but I can. You saw her smile, didn't you?" 

They cheered a 'yes' back. Out of 90 voices, I could hear Elliot's.

No. Thats so wrong of me.

"Its the cutest smile in this universe. After a few days, we'll catch a flight back to Sweden. I think most of you will come back along with us at the same day. If so, I'll ask you to look at her smile again. Thanks everyone," he paused, "Savannah, I adore you."

I gasped.

I kept on convincing myself that I was in a dream and nothing more.

Adrian was able to prove that it was reality to me though.

"I'll never let go of you. I won't give you away to anyone else," he said, shooting a glare at someone behind me.

I couldn't see where this was going, but I knew that Adrian could.

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