Chapter 2

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I noticed my father was gone and I place my hand on the wooden stick quickly pulling it away from him and lifted his shirt to see if his would would heal. I see as it started to heal and suddenly his eyes snapped open.


"Where am I?! Who are you?!" His voice just what you would expect from any little boy yet mine..

"I wouldn't know where we are but I can tell you you were captured by wolves.. I'm Rebecca." I say in a raspy voice and he looks at me up and down and his eyes soften.

"Sorry for yelling, I'm Chase." He says and I give him a small smile.

"It's ok." I whisper.

"Get up hybrid scum, it's time." I trembled a bit and he didn't miss that.

"Where are you taking her?!" He almost roared and the man only laughed causing me to place a hand on the boys shoulder and trying my best to give him a reassuring smile.

"I'll be fine." I say getting up and walking to the gate where the guy placed different chains on me making me whine a little as the little needles in them pierced my skin and he takes the first chains off firmly pulling on the painful ones I had on now as a tear left my eyes. He took me to what they call the laboratory or what I like to call it the torture room.

I felt my body tremble and the man smirked before placing me on the bed tying me, I could feel my wolf trying to get out and I push her back inside, she didn't have to go through this like I did. I felt the needles and I relaxed my mind thinking of other things while blocking Scarlett. If I let her out this will be more painful. I thought about the question I asked yesterday.. why are you doing this?

Because you're the only worthless thing here and if you die no one will care. That was his answer but I couldn't help but notice there was something lazing it, like he was hiding something that will happen to me later on, something they were planning that would probably kill me.

When they were done I was led back to the cell and thrown inside but soft hands caught me for once, I look up to see green eyes looking down at me.

"What the hell did they do to you?" He whispered caressing my cheek but all I could do was pass out in his arms.


Today was different today was my 11th birthday and I knew that because they always would give me 'special care' on today's date and would tell me it's because today was the day a worthless creature was born and an amazing one died. They had left me alone for maybe three days but for the past month they'd make me exercise day in and day out without a break, yes I was getting stronger and my wounds had finally healed for once but I couldn't help the uneasiness in my stomach as they led me to a different room. This room was all dark and empty but I could see people in black cloaks making a circle and my heart sank.. this looks like a ritual. I was dragged to the middle of that circle to notice a weird circle drawn on the floor and only me stood inside.

"No! Please stop!" Chanting started, my heart raised and when I tried to step away a barrier prevented me from doing so as electric shocks went through my body. I fell on my knees and pain went through my body and my vision became fuzzy. With that I was out, I don't know how much time I was out all I know is I woke up to Chase shaking me and screaming for me to wake up.

"Wh-what happened?" I ask as he lets out a sigh and pulls me into his arms hugging me. But this time it felt so much better, sparks went through every part he was touching on my body.

Mate! A voice unknown to me says inside my head before I felt it take over my body. 

"Who are you?" Chase asked looking into my eyes and I felt my lips smirk before leaning in and connecting my lips to his. The sparks went through my body and suddenly I felt safer than ever.

"I'm Nerezza, a Flugel or a goddess of war, a god of distraction, a fallen angel, angel of distraction, whatever you wanna call me." My voice sounded much smoother and confident.. right now I knew that even though this was my body and I could see and feel everything that was happening I couldn't control it.

"You're my mate." He says with such love in his words placing his hands on my face caressing it softly.


End flashback

By the time I snapped back was because of the bell ringing signaling the end of class and school. I got what I needed and my wolf felt a little better at the memory of Chase. He was really a sweetheart, so much so that even her a wolf loved him and would protect him. I chuckle, he doesn't need protection, I was always the one being protected by him.

"Ready to go?" Oh yeah I had to go out with them today.

"I'm not feeling very well actually." I say.

"You're not getting away that easily." Brandon says touching me and I wince a little.

"I found my mate." I blur out to make them leave me alone and they all suddenly looked happy and then confused when I didn't.

"He rejected me." I say chocking a little on my words and I only hear gasps as Brandon's grip on me loosens.

"So please just.. leave me alone.. I'll be fine after some time." I say knowing it to be true, somewhere in my broken heart I knew something good will happen soon.

"Yeah.. sure." Brandon says before letting go of me and I nod walking away from them making my way to my house. I lived half an hour away by walking, but I enjoyed running and it helped me keep in shape, if Nerezza decided to wake up my body needed to be able to contain her power or else the pain it would bring could almost if not kill me. So to avoid that I ran to and from school and sometimes took the long way or ran later on, but today? Today I just wanted to take a shower and cry my eyes out before falling asleep. Better letting it out now that I'm alone than later on when it's all bottled up.

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